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L. Sebastian Bryson, Ph.D., P.E., D.GE, F.ASCE

Hardin-Drnevich-Huang Professor, Joint Appointment in Earth and Environmental Sciences; Department Chair


254 OHR


Professor, University of Kentucky: 7/2021 - present

Associate Professor, University of Kentucky: 7/2012 – 6/2021

Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky: 8/2006 – 7/2012

Assistant Professor Ohio University 11/2001 – 6/2006

GE Faculty Intern Northwestern University 9/2000 – 9/2001

Teaching and Research Assistant Northwestern University 9/1998 – 9/2000

Geotechnical Engineer CH2M HILL, Inc. 1/1992 – 9/1998

Research Engineer Federal Highway Administration 1/1990 – 1/1992


Ph.D. in Civil Engineering , Northwestern University 12/2002

M.Eng. in Civil Engineering ,  Howard University  5/1992

B.S. in Civil Engineering, Florida A&M University  5/1987


  • Bryson, L.S., Smith, P.R., and Mahboub, K.C. (2021). “A Rational Bubble Screen Design Approach for Mitigation of Underwater Explosion Near Waterborne Infrastructure,” Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering , 48(3), 298-311.
  • Mahmoodabadi, M., and Bryson, L.S. (2021). “Constitutive Model for Describing the Fully Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Behavior of Unsaturated Soils,” International Journal of Geomechanics , ASCE, 21(4), 04021027.
  • Mahmoodabadi, M., and Bryson, L.S. (2021). “Direct Application of the Soil-Water Characteristic Curve to Estimate the Shear Modulus of Unsaturated Soils,” International Journal of Geomechcanics , ASCE, 21(1), 04020243.
  • Muttashar, W., and Bryson, L.S. (2020). “Constitutive Model for Predicting Stress Strain Behavior of Fine-Grained Sediments using Shear Wave Velocity,” Marine Georesources and Geotechnology , 38(8), 896-910.
  • Romana Giraldo, J., Bryson, L.S. and Gutierrez Soto, M. (2020). “Performance of Two Tieback Walls under a Unique Construction Sequence Installed in a Shale Stratum,” Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering , Springer , 38(2), 1799-1816.
  • Bryson, L.S. and Romana Giraldo, J. (2020). “Analysis of Case Study Presenting Ground Anchor Load-Transfer Response in Shale Stratum,” Canadian Geotechnical Journal , 57(1), 85-99.
  • Bryson, L.S. and Romana Giraldo, J. (2021), “Cost Based Design Considerations for Excavation Support Systems,” International Foundation Congress and Equipment Expo (IFCEE) 2021 , Dallas, Texas, USA, 10-14 May 2021.
  • Rizzo, R. J. and Bryson, L.S. (2020), “Remote Sensing Application for Sinkhole Monitoring Along Roadways,” IEEE SoutheastCon 2020, Raleigh, NC, 12-15 March 2020. 

Research Description

My research interest focuses on applied geotechnics and includes landslide hazard assessment and prediction, laboratory testing of geologic materials, field instrumentation and monitoring of earth and earth-supported systems, numerical modeling of geotechnical systems, geophysics geotechnics, and performance of civil infrastructure. The intent of my research efforts is to develop innovative methodologies and technologies, centered on increased resiliency and sustainability of civil and geotechnical infrastructure.

Research Interests

Landslide Hazard Prediction and Assessment

Infrastructure Response to Severe Events

Laboratory Testing of Geologic Materials

Numerical Modeling Geotechnical Systems