The University of Kentucky Department of Computer Science is hosting a Zoom event with industry professionals titled: "Developing iOS Healthcare Apps with CareKit - Coding in Swift with Xcode" on Wednesday, November 4, 2020, from 12:00 - 1:15 p.m. The event will be hosted by computer science assistant professor Corey E. Baker. Industry professionals will discuss how to use the CareKit framework to build mobile health applications.
The Zoom link:
Zoom passcode: 314159
As a primer, attendees may want to check out the talk: WWDC 2020: What’s New In CareKit.
The Network Reconnaissance Lab has put together some open-source tools to help you quickly develop a medical application before the talk:
If you have a Mac, follow the links below:
- Download Xcode from the App Store
- Build your own app: Fork the CareKitSample repo from GitHub (follow directions in README)
- There’s a framework the Netrecon Lab designed called ParseCareKit that’s automatically syncing your data to the Cloud. No need to fork, it’s embedded in CareKitSample
- Run a HIPAA Compliant Server locally on your machine: Download Docker Desktop and fork parse-hipaa from GitHub (follow directions in README. Some additional directions are here if you need more help)
To learn more about what CareKit can do, look through: