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Student Resources


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There are many resources within the College of Engineering that can help you succeed as a student and as an engineer. Don't miss an opportunity to get ahead!

ME Undergraduate Handbook

This handbook has been prepared to assist mechanical engineering undergraduate students plan a course of study and to keep track of their progress. It is intended to be used only as a supplement to the University of Kentucky Bulletin.

Scholarships and Financial Aid

We want to give you the extra edge you need to succeed! The College of Engineering awards scholarships to freshmen, continuing and transfer students. Most engineering scholarships are partial awards ranging from $500.00 to $5,000.00 per year and the average first-year scholarship ranges from $1,500.00 to $3,000.00.

Co-ops and Internships

The College of Engineering at the University of Kentucky strongly encourages students to gain experience in their field, because the value such opportunities bring to a student’s professional and academic development is immeasurable. We accomplish this objective through the Cooperative Education Program (Co-op) and internships.

Student Organizations

Many students enhance their academic career by becoming involved in student project teams and organizations. These activities can provide leadership opportunities, hands-on engineering experience and a chance to meet other engineering students.

Certificate Programs

If you’re interested in adding a measure of environmental study or a bit of nano knowledge, our certification programs can add an extra certification on top of your B.S. Think of it as the cherry on top – the little something extra that will make your employers turn their heads your way.

Engineering/MBA Dual Degree Program

The Engineering/MBA Dual Degree program unites technology and business, awarding both the Bachelor of Engineering and Master of Business Administration (MBA) degrees. Integrating successful business principles and practices with your engineering education can make you a valuable asset in today’s high-tech global economy.

International Programs

Engineers, just like their employers, are operating worldwide. Most engineers who work for a global company will find themselves interacting across borders with colleagues from diverse backgrounds. In order to help students gain an international perspective early on, the College of Engineering has developed a number of international programs.

University Scholars Program

The University Scholars Program offers particularly gifted and highly motivated students the opportunity of integrating their undergraduate and graduate courses of study in a single continuous program culminating in both a baccalaureate and a master’s or doctoral degree.

Instructions for Spring 2020 Priority Registration Advising for ME Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors

Instructions about how to make an advising appointment for the Spring 2020 semester, as well as, what to prepare before and what to bring to that appointment.

Student Resources

Learn more about the many services available to you at the University of Kentucky.