Principal Investigator: Dr. YuMing Zhang
James R. Boyd Professor in Electrical Engineering
Research Areas: Applied machine vision, control systems, Manufacturing processes, robotic welding
University of Kentucky, College of Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering – ECE
Lexington, KY 40506-0108
Phone: 859-323-3262
Fax: 859-257-3092
YuMing Zhang – Professor and James Boyd Professor in Electrical Engineering and College of Engineering Director of International Partnerships – has been with the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA since 1991 becoming a Full Professor in 2005. He received his BS and MS degrees in control major from Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), China where he finished his PhD degree in welding major in 1990. His research has brought him 187 Journal Papers and 9 US Patents. With over 2300 times of SCI Citation, he is among the most frequently cited authors in his area of studies and has been a frequent plenary/keynote speaker at major conferences.
YuMing Zhang's expertise includes advanced sensing, control, learning/modeling, and intelligent robotic systems with application to real-time monitoring and control of innovative welding processes, human welder modeling, human welder centered control, human-robot collaborative systems, and intelligent welding robots as gained from efforts supported by the NSF, Navy, National Labs and industry with a total funding of $7.5 M. He serves the American Welding Society’s Welding Journal as Lead Principal Reviewer (Editor for Research Papers) and SME Journal of Manufacturing Processes and IEEE Trans. on Automation Science and Engineering as Associate Editor. He also holds honorary/guest appointments at, and has closely collaborated with, Beijing University of Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shandong University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Sichuan University in China.Â
YuMing Zhang's recognition includes Fellow of the American Welding Society (AWS), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and Society of Manufacturing (SME); Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research (2016) from the College of Engineering (recognizes and rewards outstanding research accomplishments of lasting impact on engineering and computer science); the Donald Julius Groen Prize (1995) from The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, United Kingdom; World Congress Poster Paper Award (2012) and Application Paper Finalist (2012) from the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC); Certificate of Appreciation for Ten Top Ranked Papers in The 21st IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE2012). His recognition also includes 11 awards from the AWS - William Irrgang Memorial Award (2107) (awarded to the individual who has done the most to enhance the AWS's goal of advancing the science and technology of welding over the last five years), A. F. Davis Silver Medal Awards (2017, 2015, 2014, 2011, 2009, 2001), Charles H. Jennings Memorial Award (2013, 2012), W.H. Hobart Memorial Award (2013), and Adams Memorial Membership Award (2005).Â
YuMing Zhang has graduated 23 PhD students. Four of them received the Henry Granjon Prizes, Yukang Liu (2015), Weijie Zhang (2013), Yi Huang (2012) and Kehai Li (2009) from the IIW. Yan Shao, Jun Xiao, Weijie Zhang, Xiangrong Li, Yi Huang, and Kehai Li received awards from the AWS. Yukang Liu, Weijie Zhang, and Yuchi Liu received recognition/award from IEEE's ISIE2012 and IFAC World Congress 2002.
Shaojie Wu (Visiting Joint PhD Student from Harbin Institute of Technology)
Ph.D. Student
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Kentucky, USA
Professional Preparation
M.S., Material Processing Engineering ,Harbin Institute of Technology, China
B.S.,Welding Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Dissertation Title:Analytic Weld Pool Model Calibrated by Measurements with Application to Real-Time Monitoring and Control of Invisible Weld Pool underneath the Work-piece
Chao Li
Ph.D. Student
Research Assistant
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Kentucky, USA
Professional Preparation
M.S., Electrical Engineering, Ohio State University, USA
B.S., Electrical Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University,China
Dissertation Title:Deep Learning of Reflection Pattern due to Weld Pool Oscillation for Intelligent Monitoring and Control of Weld Joint Penetration
Wenhua Jiao
Ph.D. Student
Teaching Assistant
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Kentucky, USA
Professional Preparation
B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Kentucky, USA
B.S., Electrical Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology,China
Dissertation Title: Learning of Complex Human Welder Intelligence from Big Data Generated from Augmented and Virtual Reality Welding Systems
Qiyue Wang
Ph.D. Student
Research and Teaching Assistant
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Kentucky, USA
Professional Preparation
B.S.,Welding Engineering ,Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Dissertation Title: Learning and Modeling of Human Welder Response Behaviors for Intelligent Welding Robots
Rick Mason
Dissertation Title: Learning and Modeling of Human Welder Response Behaviors for Intelligent Welding Robots
2017- Jinsong Chen. Thesis Tile: Real-Time Sensing and Control of Developing Weld Penetration through Reflection Vibration in GTAW.
2014- Yukang Liu. Virtualized Welding Based Learning of Human Welder Behaviors for Intelligent Robotic Welding.
2014- Jun Xiao. Laser Enhanced Metal Transfer Control under Active Droplet Oscillation. (Co-advisors: G.J. Zhang, Y.M. Zhang)
2014- Weijie Zhang. Machine-Human Cooperative Control of Welding Process.
2014-Yi Lu. Model Analysis and Predictive Control of Double Electrode Submerged Arc Welding Process For Fillet Joints with Gap. (Co-advisors: YuMing Zhang and Larry Holloway)
2012- Yan Shao. Vision Based Real-time Monitoring and Control of Metal Transfer in Laser Enhanced Gas Metal Arc Welding.
2012- XiaoJi Ma. Measurement of Dynamic Weld Pool Surface in Gas Metal Arc Welding Process.
2011- Yi Huang. Control of Metal Transfer at Given Arc Variables.
2010- Kun Qian. Real-time Model Predictive Control of Quasi-keyhole Pipe Welding.
2010- Zhijiang Wang. Adaptive Interval Model Control for Depth of Weld Penetration in Pulsed Gas Metal Arc Welding. (co-advisors: YuMing Zhang, Lin Wu)
2010- Xiangrong Li. Model Predictive Control over Manual Pipe Welding Process on Stainless Steel. (co-advisors: YuMing Zhang and Larry Holloway)
2008- Xiaopei Liu. Dual Bypass Gas Metal Arc Welding Process and Control.
2007- Xiaodong Na. Nonlinear Identification and Control: A Practical Solution and Its Application. (co-advisors: Bruce Walcott and YuMing Zhang)
2007- Kehai Li. Double-Electrode Gas Metal Arc Welding: Process, Modeling and Control.
2007- Hongsheng Song. Machine Vision Recognition of Three-Dimensional Specular Surface for Gas Tungsten Arc Weld Pool.
2007- Zhenzhou Wang. Automated High-Speed Monitoring of Metal Transfer for Real-Time Control.
2007- Ge Wang. Numerical Analysis of Metal Transfer in Gas Metal Arc Welding. (Co-Advisors: George Huang and YuMing Zhang)
2005- Gohar Mahmood Saeed. Three Dimensional Measurement of Specular Surfaces and Its Application in Welding Process.
2005- Breton Elsworth Losch. Modeling and Control of Double Sided Arc Welding Process.
2004- Wei Lu. Robust Sensing and control of Weld Pool Surface in Gas Tungsten Arc Welding and Its Modifications.
2004- Yuchi Lu. Control of Dynamic Keyhole Welding Process.
2004- Joseph Michael Istre. Robust Generic Model Control for Parameter Interval Systems
2003- Ming Jiang. Double-sided Arc Welding Process. (Co-Advisors: Alan T. Male and YuMing Zhang)
Rui Yu
Master Student
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Kentucky, USA
B.S.,Information Engineering, Xi’an University of Posts&Telecommunications, China
Yuting Chen
Master Student
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Kentucky, USA
B.S.,Electrical Engineering, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan
Ju Chen
Master Student
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Kentucky, USA
B.S.,Welding Engineering, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, China
Over 70 from China, Netherlands, Poland, etc.; currently 8 from Shanghai Jiaotong University (1), South China University of Science and Technology (2), Lanzhou Institute of Technology (2), Jiangsu University of Science and Technology (1), Harbin Institute of Technology (1), China Ocean University (1), Tianjian University (1)