1. Y.M. Zhang, "Welding well," IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 31(3): 16-19, DOI: 10.1109/MCS.2011.940728, 2011
1. Y.K. Liu, Y.M. Zhang. "Fusing Machine Algorithm with Welder Intelligence for Adaptive Welding Robots," accepted for publication, Journal of Manufacturing Processes.
2. Y.K. Liu, Y.M. Zhang. "Supervised Learning of Human Welder Behaviors for Intelligent Robotic Welding," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, DOI (identifier) 10.1109/TASE.2015.2453351
3. Ke Zhang, Y.M. Zhang, J.S. Chen, S.J. Wu. "Observation and Analysis of Three-Dimensional Weld Pool Oscillation Dynamic Behaviors," accepted for publication, Welding Journal
4. S.J. Wu, H.M. Gao, W. Zhang, Y.M. Zhang. "Analytic Weld Pool Model Calibrated by Measurements: Part 1 Principles," accepted for publication, Welding Journal
5. S.J. Wu, H.M. Gao, W. Zhang, Y.M. Zhang. "Analytic Weld Pool Model Calibrated by Measurements: Part 2 Verification and Robustness," accepted for publication, Welding Journal
6. N. Huang, Y.K. Liu, S.J. Chen, Y.M. Zhang, 2016. "Interval model control of human welder’s movement in machine-assisted manual GTAW torch operation," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 86(1-4): 397-405
7. F. Jiang, S.J. Chen, R.Y. Zhang, Z.Y. Yan, J.X. Wang and Y.M. Zhang, 2016. "Hollow cathode centered negative pressure arc," Welding Journal, 95(10): 395s-408s.
8. S.J. Chen, R.Y. Zhang, F. Jiang, Z.Y. Yan, Y.M. Zhang, 2016. "Measurement and application of arc separability in plasma arc," Welding Journal, 95(6): 219s-228s
9. J. Xiao, S. J Chen, G. J. Zhang, Y. M. Zhang, 2016. "Current-independent metal transfer by using pulsed laser irradiation. Part 2: affecting factors," Welding Journal, 95(6): 194s-201s.
10. J. Xiao, S. J Chen, G. J. Zhang, Y. M. Zhang, 2016. "Current-independent metal transfer by using pulsed laser irradiation. Part 1: system and verification," Welding Journal, 95(3): 93s-100s.
11. S.J. Chen, N. Huang, Y.K. Liu, Y.M. Zhang. 2016. "Machine assisted manual torch operation: system design, response modeling, and speed control," Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, DOI: 10.1007/s10845-015-1047-3
12. W.J. Zhang, J. Xiao, Y.M. Zhang, 2016. "A mobile sensing system for three-dimensional weld pool measurement in manual GTAW process," Measurement Science and Technology, 27(4), Article Number: 045102 (24pp), June 2016, doi:10.1088/0957-0233/27/4/045102.
13. Y.K. Liu, Y.M. Zhang, 2015. "Toward welding robot with human knowledge: A remotely-controlled approach," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 12(2): 769 -774, DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2014.2359006.
14. Y.K. Liu, Y.M. Zhang, 2015. "Iterative local ANFIS based human welder intelligence modeling and control in pipe GTAW process: A data-driven approach," IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 20(3): 1079-1088, DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2014.2363050.
15. Y.K. Liu, W.J. Zhang, Y.M. Zhang, 2015. "Dynamic neuro-fuzzy-based human intelligence modeling and control in GTAW," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 12(1): 324-335, DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2013.2279157.
16. Y.K. Liu, W.J. Zhang, Y.M. Zhang, 2015. "Nonlinear modeling for 3D weld pool characteristic parameters in GTAW," Welding Journal, 94(7): 231s-240s.
17. Y.K. Liu, Y.M. Zhang, 2015. "Controlling 3D weld pool surface by adjusting welding speed," Welding Journal, 94(4): 125s-134s.
18. S.J. Chen, F. Jiang, J.L. Zhang, Y.M. Zhang, P.J. Shun, 2015. "Measurement and analysis of plasma arc components," Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 137(1), 011006 (Feb 01, 2015) (9 pages), doi: 10.1115/1.4028689
19. Yi Lu, Jinsong Chen, YuMing Zhang, 2015. "Dynamic model of consumable double-electrode submerged arc welding process," Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 137(2), 021001 (Apr 01, 2015) (6 pages), doi:10.1115/1.4025580.
20. Weijie Zhang, Xiang Zhang, YuMing Zhang, 2015. "Robust Pattern Recognition for Measurement of Three Dimensional Weld Pool Surface in GTAW," Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 26(4): 659-676, DOI: 10.1007/s10845-013-0825-z
21. S.J. Chen, N. Huang, Y.K. Liu, Y.M. Zhang, 2015. "Machine assisted travel speed control in manual welding torch operation," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing, 76: 1371-1381, DOI: 10.1007/s00170-014-6310-9
22. Y.K. Liu, Y.M Zhang, 2014. "Control of human arm movement in machine-human cooperative welding process," Control Engineering Practice, 32: 161"“171, doi: 10.1016/j.conengprac.2014.08.003.
23. Y.K. Liu, Y.M. Zhang, 2014. "Model-based predictive control of weld penetration in gas tungsten arc welding," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 22(3): 955 "“ 966, DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2013.2266662.
24. W.J. Zhang, Jun Xiao, H.P. Chen, Y.M. Zhang, 2014. "Measurement of three-dimensional welding torch orientation for manual arc welding process," Measurement Science and Technology, 25 (2014) 035010 (17pp), doi:10.1088/0957-0233/25/3/035010
25. Kua Qian, YuMing Zhang, 2014. "Bilinear model predictive control of plasma keyhole pipe welding process," Transactions of the ASME, J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. 136(3), 031002 (Mar 26, 2014) (10 pages), doi:10.1115/1.4025337.
26. X.R. Li, Y.M. Zhang, 2014. "Predictive control for manual plasma arc pipe welding," Transactions of the ASME, J. Manuf. Sci. Eng. 136(4), 041017 (Jun 02, 2014) (8 pages), doi: 10.1115/1.4027627
27. Y.K. Liu, Z. Shao, Y.M. Zhang, 2014. "Learning human welder movement in pipe GTAW," Welding Journal, 388s-398s, Vol. 93.
28. J. Xiao, G.J. Zhang, W.J. Zhang, Y.M. Zhang, 2014. "Active metal transfer control by utilizing enhanced droplet oscillation – Part I: experimental study," Welding Journal, 93(8): 282s-291s
29. J. Xiao, G.J. Zhang, W.J. Zhang, Y.M. Zhang, 2014. "Active metal transfer control by utilizing enhanced droplet oscillation – Part II: modeling and analysis," Welding Journal, 93(9): 321s-330s.
30. S.J. Chen, F. Jiang, Y.S. Lu, Y.M. Zhang, 2014. "Separation of arc plasma and current in electrical arc "“ An initial study," Welding Journal, 93(7): 253s-261s.
31. Y.K. Liu, Y.M. Zhang, L. Kvidahl, 2014. "Skilled Human Welder Intelligence Modeling and Control: Part I-Modeling," Welding Journal, 93: 46s-52s.
32. Y.K. Liu, Y.M. Zhang, L. Kvidahl, 2014. "Skilled Human Welder Intelligence Modeling and Control: Part II-Analysis and Control Applications," Welding Journal, 93(5): 162s-170s.
33. Y. Shao, Y.M. Zhang, 2014. "Gas metal arc welding enhanced by pulsed laser," Welding Journal, 93(6): 205s-215s.
34. Y. Lu, J.S. Chen, Y.M Zhang, L. Kvidahl, 2014. "Predictive control based double-electrode submerged arc welding for fillet joints," Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 16 (2014) 415"“426, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmapro.2014.05.001.
35. Y. Lu, S.J. Chen, Y. Shi, X.R. Li, J.S. Chen, L. Kvidahl, Y.M. Zhang, 2014. "Double-Electrode Arc Welding Process: Principle, Variants, Control and Developments," Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 16(1): 93"“108, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmapro.2013.08.003
36. Y.K. Liu, W.J. Zhang, Y.M. Zhang, 2014. "A Tutorial on Learning Human Welder’s Behavior: Sensing, Modeling, and Control," Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 16(1): 123"“136, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmapro.2013.09.004
37. Yukang Liu, YuMing Zhang, 2013. "Control of 3D weld pool surface," Control Engineering Practice, 21(11): 1469"“1480, 10.1016/j.conengprac.2013.06.019.
38. W.J. Zhang, X.W. Wang, Y.M. Zhang, 2013. "Analytical Real-time Measurement of Three-dimensional Weld Pool Surface," Measurement Science and Technology, 24(11), article Number 115011 (18pp), doi:10.1088/0957-0233/24/11/115011
39. X.R. Li, Y. Lu, Y.M. Zhang, 2013. "Accelerometer based position and speed sensing for manual pipe welding process," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 69:705"“713, DOI: 10.1007/s00170-013-5056-0.
40. Zhenzhou Wang, Xinyu Huang, Ruigang Yang, YuMing Zhang, 2013. "Measurement of mirror surfaces using specular reflection and analytical computation," Machine Vision and Applications, 24(2): 289-304, DOI: 10.1007/s00138-012-0432-6.
41. Y.K. Liu, W.J. Zhang, Y.M. Zhang, 2013. "ANFIS modeling of human welder"™s response to three-dimensional weld pool surface in GTAW," Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 135(2), Article Number 021010 (11 pages); doi: 10.1115/1.4023269.
42. X.J. Ma, Y.M. Zhang, 2013. "Reconstruction of three-dimensional gas metal arc weld pool surface from reflected laser pattern," Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 135(2), Article Number 021002 (11 pages), doi: 10.1115/1.4023374
43. XueWu Wang, Yi Huang, YuMing Zhang, 2013. "Droplet transfer model for laser enhanced GMAW," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 64:207"“217, DOI 10.1007/s00170-012-4014-6.
44. YuKang Liu, WeiJie Zhang, and YuMing Zhang, 2013. "Estimation of weld joint penetration under varying GTA pools," Welding Journal, 92(11): 313s-321s.
45. J. Xiao, G.J. Zhang, S.J. Chen, L. Wu, Y.M. Zhang, 2013. "Active droplet oscillation excited by optimized waveform," Welding Journal, 92(7): 205s-217s.
46. X.R. Li, Z. Shao, Y.M. Zhang, L. Kvidahl, 2013. "Monitoring and control of penetration in GTAW and pipe welding," Welding Journal, 92(6): 190s-196s.
47. W.J. Zhang, Y.M. Zhang, 2013. "Dynamic control of GTAW process using human welder response model," Welding Journal, 92(5): 154s-166s.
48. X.R. Li, Y.M. Zhang, L. Kvidahl, 2013. "Penetration depth monitoring and control in submerged arc welding," Welding Journal, 92(2): 48s-56s.
49. Yi Lu, YuMing Zhang, Lee Kvidahl, 2013. "Heat input reduction in fillet welding using bypass and gap," Welding Journal, 92(12): 390s-400s.
50. Zhenzhou Wang, Yi Huang, YuMing Zhang, 2013. "Unsupervised Identification of the Droplet for the Laser Enhanced GMAW Process," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 67(5-8): 1449-1457, DOI 10.1007/s00170-012-4580-7.
51. ZhenZhou Wang, RuiGang Yang, YuMing Zhang, 2013. "Analytical reconstruction of three-dimensional weld pool surface in GTAW," Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 15(1): 34-40.
52. Z.J. Wang, Y.M. Zhang, L. Wu, "Predictive control of weld pool surface in pulsed gas Metal arc welding," Automatica, 48(1): 233-238 DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2011.09.052, 2012.
53. Zhenzhou Wang, Ruigang Yang and YuMing Zhang "Analytic measurement of mirror surfaces by single shot with united modeling of incident rays," Measurement Science and Technology, 23 125404 doi:10.1088/0957-0233/23/12/125404, 2012.
54. ZhenZhou Wang and YuMing Zhang, "Segmentation of fuzzy images: a novel and fast two-step pseudo MAP method," 23(6): 1209-1218, DOI: 10.1007/s00138-012-0441-5, NOV 2012, Machine Vision and Applications.
55. Guohong Ma, Yuming Zhang, "A novel DE-GMAW method to weld steel tubes on simplified condition," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 63, 147-153, DOI: 10.1007/s00170-011-3893-2, 2012.
56. X.R. Li, Z. Shao, Y.M. Zhang, "Double stage plasma arc pipe welding process," Welding Journal, 91(12): 346s-353s, 2012.
57. W. J. Zhang and Y. M. Zhang, "Modeling of human welder response to 3D weld pool surface: Part II – results and analysis," Welding Journal, 91(12): 329s-353s, 2012.
58. W. J. Zhang and Y. M. Zhang, "Modeling of human welder response to 3D weld pool surface: Part I "“ principles," Welding Journal, vol. 91, no. 11, 310s-318s, 2012.
59. J.S. Chen, Y. Lu, X.R. Li, Y.M. Zhang, "Gas tungsten arc welding using an arcing wire," Welding Journal, vol. 91, no. 10, 261s-269s, 2012.
60. W.J. Zhang, Y.K. Liu, X. W. Wang, Y.M. Zhang, "Characterization of three-dimensional weld pool surface in gas tungsten arc welding," Welding Journal, vol. 91, pp. 195s-203s, 2012.
61. Yi Huang, Yan Shao, YuMing Zhang, "Nonlinear modeling of dynamic metal transfer in laser enhanced GMAW," Welding Journal, vol. 91, no. 5, 140s-148s, 2012.
62. Z.Z. Wang, Y.M. Zhang, X.J. Ma, "Machine recognition of laser reflection from gas metal arc weld pool surfaces," Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 133(4), 041013 (13 pages), doi:10.1115/1.4004498, 2011.
63. Y. Shao, Z.Z. Wang, Y.M. Zhang, "Monitoring of liquid droplets in laser enhanced GMAW," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 57:.203-214, 2011.
64. X. R. Li, J. Heusman, L. Kvidahl, P. Hoyt, and Y. M. Zhang, "Manual keyhole plasma arc welding with application," Welding Journal, 90(12): 258s-264s, 2011.
65. Y. Huang, Y.M Zhang, "Laser-enhanced metal transfer: Part I: System and observations," Welding Journal, 90(10): 183s-190s, 2011.
66. Y. Huang, Y.M Zhang, "Laser-enhanced metal transfer: Part II: Analysis and influence factors," Welding Journal, 90(11): 205s-210s, 2011.
67. XiaoJi Ma, YuMing Zhang, "Gas metal arc weld pool surface imaging: modeling and processing," Welding Journal, 90(5): 85s-94s, 2011.
68. ZhenZhou Wang, XiaoJi Ma, YuMing Zhang, "Simultaneous imaging and measurement of pool surface and metal transfer," Welding Journal, 90(6): 121s-128s, 2011.
69. Kehai Li, YuMing Zhang, "Interval model control of consumable double-electrode gas metal arc welding process," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 7(4): 826-839, 2010.
70. Xiaodong Na, YuMing Zhang, YuSheng Liu, Bruce Walcott, "Nonlinear identification of laser welding process," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 18(4): 927-934, 2010.
71. Z. Wang, Y.M. Zhang, L. Wu, "Measurement and estimation of weld pool surface depth and weld penetration in pulsed gas metal arc welding," Welding Journal, 89(6): 117s-126s, 2010
72. Yi Huang, Y.M. Zhang, "Laser-enhanced GMAW," Welding Journal, 89(9): 181s-188s, 2010
73. Xiaoji Ma, YuMing Zhang, "Reflection of illumination laser from gas metal arc weld pool surface" Measurement Science & Technology, 20(11), 2009.
74. H.S. Song, Y. M. Zhang, "Error analysis of a three-dimensional GTA weld pool surface measurement system," Welding Journal, 88(7): 141s-148s, 2009.
75. Zhenzhou Wang and YuMing Zhang, "Brightness based selection and edge detection based enhancement separation algorithm for low resolution metal transfer images," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 6(1): 181-187, 2009.
76. Y. Shi, X. Liu, Y. Zhang, and M. Johnson, "Analysis of metal transfer and correlated influences in dual-bypass GMAW of Aluminum," Welding Journal, 87(9): 229s-236s, 2008.
77. HongSheng Song, YuMing Zhang, "Measurement and analysis of three-dimensional specular gas tungsten arc weld pool surface," Welding Journal, 87(4): 85s-95s, 2008.
78. K.H. Li, Y.M. Zhang, P. XU, and F.Q. Yang, "High-strength steel welding with consumable double-electrode gas metal arc welding," Welding Journal, 87(3): 57s-64s, 2008.
79. Kehai Li and Y.M Zhang, "Consumable Double-Electrode GMAW Part II: Monitoring, Modeling, and Control," Welding Journal, 87(2): 44s-50s, 2008.
80. Kehai Li and Y.M Zhang, "Consumable Double-Electrode GMAW Part I: The Process," Welding Journal, 87(1): 11s-17s, 2008.
81. Kehai Li and Y.M. Zhang, "Metal transfer in double-electrode gas metal arc welding," 129(6): 991-999, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 2007.
82. HongSheng Song, YuMing Zhang, "Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Specular Surface for Gas Tungsten Arc Weld Pool," Measurement Science & Technology, 18: 3751-3767, 2007.
83. Hongsheng Song, YuMing Zhang, "Image processing for measurement of three-dimensional GTA weld pool surface," Welding Journal, 86(10): 323s-330s, 2007.
84. Kehai Li, Jinsong Chen and YuMing Zhang, "Double-electrode GMAW process and control," Welding Journal, 86(8)-231s-237s, 2007.
85. G. Saeed and Y.M. Zhang, "Weld pool surface depth measurement using calibrated camera and structured-light," Measurement Science & Technology, 18: 2570-2578, 2007.
86. Y.M. Zhang and Y.C. Liu, "Control of dynamic keyhole process," Automatica, 43(5): 876-884, 2007.
87. Zhenzhou Wang and YuMing Zhang, "Image processing algorithm for automated monitoring of metal transfer in double-electrode GMAW," Measurement Science & Technology, 18: 2048-2058, 2007.
88. Wei Lu, Y.M. Zhang, "Adaptive non-transferred plasma charge sensor and its applications" Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 129 (1): 180-189, 2007.
89. C.S. Wu, J. Chen, and Y.M. Zhang, "Numerical analysis of both front- and back-side deformation of fully penetrated GTAW weld pool," Computational Materials Science, 39: 635-642, 2007.
90. C.S. Wu, M.X. Zhang, K.H. Li, and Y.M. Zhang, "Numerical analysis of double-electrode gas metal arc welding Process" Computational Materials Science, 39: 416-423, 2007.
91. Y.M. Zhang, H.S. Song, and G. Saeed, "Observation of a dynamic specular weld pool surface," Measurement Science & Technology, 17 (6): L9-L12, 2006.
92. Wei Lu and YuMing Zhang, "Robust sensing and control of the weld pool surface," Measurement Science & Technology, Vol. 17, 2437-2446, 2006.
93. C.S. Wu, H.G. Wang, and Y.M. Zhang. "A new heat source model for keyhole plasma arc welding in FEM analysis of the temperature profile," Welding Journal, 85(12): 284s-291s, 2006.
94. Joseph Michael Istre, Yu Ming Zhang, "Predictive generic model control for non-linear interval systems with application in arc welding," Special Issue on Advanced Sensing, Modelling and Control of Welding Processes, International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 1(2): 140-150, 2006.
95. Peiyong Duan, Yu Ming Zhang, "CMAC-based modelling for HPDDL welding process control," Special Issue on Advanced Sensing, Modelling and Control of Welding Processes, International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 1(2): 107-114, 2006.
96. Gohar Saeed, Yu Ming Zhang, Sarah Cook, "A compact vision sensor for weld pool surface sensing," Special Issue on Advanced Sensing, Modelling and Control of Welding Processes, International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 1(2): 94-100, 2006.
97. P.C. Zhao, C.S. Wu, Y.M. Zhang, "Modelling the transient behaviours of a fully penetrated gas-tungsten arc weld pool with surface deformation," Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B- Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 219 (1): 99-110, 2005.
98. C. S. Wu, P. C. Zhao, and Y. M. Zhang, "Numerical simulation of transient 3-D surface deformation of full-penetrated GTA weld pool," Welding Journal, 83(12): 330s-335s, 2004.
99. G. Wang, G. Huang, and Y. M. Zhang, "Numerical analysis of metal transfer in gas metal arc welding under modified pulsed current conditions," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 35(5): 991-999, 2004.
100. W. Lu, Y. M. Zhang, and W.-Y. Lin, "Nonlinear interval model control of quasi-keyhole arc welding process," Automatica, 40(5): 805-813, 2004.
101. W. Lu, Y. M. Zhang, and J. E. Emmerson, "Sensing of weld pool surface using non-transferred plasma charge sensor," Measurement Science and Technology, 15(5): 991-999, 2004.
102. P. C. Zhao, C. S. Wu, and Y. M. Zhang, "Numerical simulation of dynamic characteristics of weld pool geometry with step-changes of welding parameters," Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 12(5): 765-780, 2004.
103. C. S. Wu, J. S. Sun, and Y. M. Zhang, "Numerical simulation of dynamic development of keyhole in double-sided arc welding," Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 12(3): 423-442, 2004.
104. G. Saeed, M. J. Lou, and Y. M. Zhang, "Computation of 3D weld pool surface from the slope field and point tracking of laser beams," Measurement Science and Technology, 15(2): 389-403, 2004.
105. Y. M. Zhang and Y. C. Liu, "Modeling and control of quasi-keyhole arc welding process," Control Engineering Practice, Award Winning Applications-2002 IFAC World Congress, 11(12): 1401-1411, 2003.
106. G. Saeed and Y. M. Zhang, "Mathematical formulation and simulation of specular reflection based measurement system for gas tungsten arc weld pool surface," Measurement Science and Technology, 14(8): 1671-1682, 2003.
107. G. Wang, G. Huang, and Y. M. Zhang, "Numerical analysis of metal transfer in GMAW," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 34B(3): 345-353, 2003.
108. J. S. Sun, C. S. Wu, B. L. Dong, and Y. M. Zhang, "Numerical simulation of keyhole formation during PAW plus TIG double-sided arc welding," ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA, 39 (1): 79-84, 2003
109. A.T. Male, Y. W. Chen, C. Pan and Y. M. Zhang, "Rapid prototyping of sheet metal components by plasma-jet forming," Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 135: 340-346, 2003.
110. Y. M. Zhang, Y. W. Chen, P. J. Li and A. T. Male, "Weld deposition-based rapid prototyping: a preliminary study," Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 135: 347-357, 2003.
111. Y. M. Zhang, S. B. Zhang, and M. Jiang, "Sensing and control of double-sided arc welding process," Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 124(3):695-701, 2002.
112. Y. M. Zhang, Liguo E, and B. L. Walcott. "Robust control of pulsed gas metal arc welding," Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control -Transactions of the ASME 124(2): 281-289, 2002.
113. Y. M. Zhang, S. B. Zhang, and M. Jiang, "Keyhole double-sided arc welding process," Welding Journal, 81(11): 248s-255s, 2002.
114. J. S. Sun, C. S. Wu, and Y. M. Zhang, "Heat transfer modeling of double-side arc welding," ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, 51 (2): 286-290, 2002
115. C. X. Pan, Y. M. Zhang, and A. T. Male, "Solidification microstructural characteristics of double-sided arc welding," Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 38(4): 427-432, 2002.
116. Y. M. Zhang, P. J. Li, Y. W. Chen, and A. T. Male, "Automated System for Welding Based Rapid Prototyping," Journal of Mechatronics, 12(1): 37-53, 2002
117. Y. M. Zhang and Y. Ma, "Stochastic modeling of plasma reflection during keyhole arc welding," Measurement Science and Technology, 12(11): 1964-1975, 2001.
118. Y. M. Zhang, S. B. Zhang, and Y.C. Liu, "Plasma cloud charge sensor for pulse keyhole process control," Measurement Science and Technology, 12(8): 1365-1370, 2001.
119. P. J. Li and Y. M. Zhang, "Robust sensing of arc length," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 50(3): 697-704, 2001.
120. S. B. Zhang and Y. M. Zhang, "Efflux plasma charge based sensing and control of joint penetration during keyhole plasma arc welding," Welding Journal, 80(7): 157s-162s, 2001.
121. P. J. Li and Y. M. Zhang. "Precision sensing of arc length in GTAW based on arc light spectrum," Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 123(1): 62-65, 2001.
122. Y. M. Zhang and P. J. Li, "Modified active control of metal transfer and pulsed GMAW of titanium," Welding Journal, 80(2): 54s-61s, 2001.
123. A.T. Male, P.J. Li, Y.W. Chen, and Y. M. Zhang, "Flexible forming of sheet metal using plasma arc," Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 115(1): 61-64, Special Issue August 22, 2001.
124. Y. M. Zhang, C. Pan, and A. T. Male, "Welding of austenitic stainless steel using double-sided arc welding process," Materials Science and Technology, 17(11): 1280-1284, 2001.
125. Y. M. Zhang, C. X. Pan, and A. T. Male, "Improvement of microstructures and properties of 6061 aluminum alloy weldments using double-sided arc welding process," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 31A(10): 2537-2543, 2000.
126. A.T.Male, C. Pan, Y.W.Chen, and Y.M.Zhang, "Processing Effects in Plasma Forming of Sheet Metal," CIRP Annals, Vol. 49, pp. 213-216, 2000.
127. P. J. Li and Y. M. Zhang, "Analysis of arc light mechanism and its application in sensing of GTAW process," Welding Journal, 79(9): 252s-260s, 2000.
128. Z.X. Han, B.L. Walcott, Y.M. Zhang, and G. Feng, "State feedback H-infinity controller design for fuzzy dynamic systems," Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 8(4): 261-273, 2000.
129. Y. M. Zhang and Liguo E, "Numerical analysis of dynamic growth of droplet in GMAW," Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 214(10): 1247-1258, 2000.
130. Y. M. Zhang and S. B. Zhang. "Stability of keyhole in plasma arc welding," Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 214(5): 401-405, 2000.
131. Y. M. Zhang, S. B. Zhang, M. Jiang, and L. Wu, "Keyhole double-sided arc welding process," Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 17(1): 159-160, 2000.
132. A.T. Male, Y. W. Chen, P. J. Li, and Y. M. Zhang, "Plasma-jet forming of sheet metal shapes," Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 17(1): 115-116, 2000.
133. Y. M. Zhang, C. X. Pan, and A. T. Male, "Solidification behavior of Al-Mg aluminum alloy using double-sided arc welding process," Journal of Materials Science Letters, Vol. 19, pp. 831-833, 2000.
134. P. J. Li, Y. W. Chen, A. T. Male, and Y. M. Zhang. "Flexible forming of sheet metal using plasma arc," Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 214, pp. 117-125, 2000.
135. Y. M. Zhang and Q. M. Zhu, "Selecting optimal ARMA order by a minimum spectrum distance criterion," International Journal of Systems Science, 30(2): 223-237, 1999.
136. Y. M. Zhang and L. Li, "Interval model based robust control of weld joint penetration," Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 121(3): 425-433, 1999.
137. Y. M. Zhang and S. B. Zhang. "Welding aluminum alloy 6061 with opposing dual torch GTAW process," Welding Journal, 78(6): 202s-206s, 1999.
138. Y. M. Zhang and S. B. Zhang. "Observation of keyhole during plasma arc welding," Welding Journal, 78(2): 53s-58s, 1999.
139. Y. M. Zhang and R. Kovacevic, "Neurofuzzy model based control of weld fusion zone geometry," IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 6(3): 389-401, 1998.
140. S. B. Zhang, Y. M. Zhang, and R. Kovacevic, "Non-contact ultrasonic sensing for seam tracking in arc welding processes," Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 120(3): 600-608, 1998.
141. Z. N. Cao, Y. M. Zhang, R. Kovacevic, "Numerical dynamic analysis of moving GTA weld pools," Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 120(1): 173-178, 1998.
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149. R. Kovacevic, Y. M. Zhang, "Real-time image processing for monitoring of free weld pool surface," Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of the ASME, 119(2): 161-169, 1997.
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- "Establishing the Foundation to Extract Human Welder Intelligences" 10th International Conference on Trends in Welding Research & 9th International Welding Symposium of Japan Welding Society, October 11-14, 2016, Tokyo, Japan.
- "Human-Robot Collaborative Welding," - 2016 IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts, July 8-10, 2016, Shanghai, China.
- “Scientific Foundation to Extract Human Intelligence during Complex Operations with Demonstration in Intelligent Welding,” - International Forum of Welding Technology (IFWT), June 13, 2016, Beijing, China
- "Advanced Sensing and Control of Welding Processes" - 2015 AWS Professional Program, Nov. 9-12, 2015, Chicago, IL.
- "Sensing and Control of 3D Weld Pool Surface for Intelligent Welding" - 2015 Chinese Welding Society Annual Conference, October 13, 2015, Lanzhou, China.
- "Control of Welding Process Based on Modeling of Human Welder Response" - The 7th Asia Pacific IIW International Congress, July 8-10, 2013, Singapore.
- "Modeling of Human Welder Response to 3D Weld Pool Surface" "“ International Welding & Joining Conference - Korea 2012 (IWJC-Korea 2012), May 8-11, 2012, Ramada Plaza Hotel, Jeju Island, Jeju, Korea.
- "Extracting Human Welder Intelligences for Intelligent Welding Robots,"Institute of Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, December 15, 2016.
- "Recent Innovations in Welding Process Control and Sensing for Advanced Manufacturing,"MMM Distinguished Research Seminar, School of Mechanical, Materials and Mechatronic Engineering (MMM), University of Wollongong Australia, July 18, 2016.
- "Extracting Human Intelligence from Robotic Intelligent Welding,"Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia, July 15, 2016.
- "Recent Innovations in Welding Process Control and Sensing for Advanced Manufacturing,"Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, China, July 7, 2016.
- "Sensing and Control of 3D Weld Pool Surface for Intelligent Welding - Machine Learning and Robot-Human Collaborative Approaches,"May 30, 2016, Tangshan Kaiyuan Robot System Co., Ltd., Tangshan, China
- "Scientific Foundation to Extract Human Intelligence during Complex Operations with Demonstration in Intelligent Welding,"Dalian University of Technology, May 20, 2016
- "Extracting Human Intelligence from Complex Operations with Demonstration in Intelligent Welding" - The Department of Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Stony Brook University, April 1, 2016.
- "Recent Innovations in Welding Process Control and Sensing for Advanced Manufacturing" - The Welding Engineering Program in The Department of Materials Sciences and Engineering, The Ohio State University, May 6, 2014
- "Sensing and Control of Arc Weld Pool Surface" - The Welding Research Center, Department of Materials Sciences and Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Feb. 6, 2014
- "Double-Electrode Arc Welding Process: Principle, Variants, Control and Developments" - Advances in Welding Technologies Seminar, Singapore Welding Society, Singapore, July 11 2013
- "Modeling of Human Welder Response to 3D Weld Pool Surface" - Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, May 13, 2012.
- "Sensing and Control of Welding Processesâ€- Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, Dec. 12, 2011
- "Advanced Sensing and Control of Welding Processes" - Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Oct. 29, 2010.
- "Sensing and Control of Welding Processes" - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Worcester Polytech University, April 1, 2010.
- "Sensing and Control of Welding Processes" - University of Alberta and AWS Alberta Section, March 17, 2010.
- "Robust Control of Uncertain Processes with Application to Welding" - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, March 2004.
- "Weld Penetration Control Based on Vision Feedback of Weld Pool" - Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Connecticut, August 1998.
- "Advanced Control of Pulsed Gas Metal Arc Welding Process" - Welding Research Laboratory, Vanderbilt University, May 1998.
- "Advanced Control of Pulsed Gas Metal Arc Welding Process" - Edison Welding Institute, May 1998.
- "Sensing and Control of Welding Processes" - Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Nov 1997.