What was involved/what was your role during your internship or co-op?
At the Corps of Engineers, I was an environmental student engineer. My responsibilities included completing reviews of various reports such as asbestos and lead dust sampling. I also completed reviews of MILCON documents to check for all required standards. I was also able to assist with formerly used defense sites (FUDS) projects through five-year reviews (FYR) and well sampling.
What was one of your favorite parts about completing this internship or co-op?
During my internship I traveled to various sites to help complete environmental condition of property (ECP) reports and water sampling. I learned how to use a pump to purge a well and take samples.
How have you benefited from participating in this internship or co-op?
This internship allowed me to gain experience and knowledge in the environmental engineering field. I was able to have hands on experience and work closely with senior level staff to complete tasks. I collaborated with multiple engineers on projects, including those in other districts.
What specific skills (technical or professional) did you learn or develop during your internship or co-op?
During my internship I was able to learn how to write a technical report for many different purposes. Some of these included five-year reviews (FYR), asbestos (ACM), lead dust, and environmental condition of property (ECP) reports. I also learned how to complete contracting documents to award contracts for multiple different projects.
Why would you recommend internships or co-ops to other students?
Yes, this internship was an extremely great learning experience with extremely knowledgeable people who are more than willing to help you learn.