- Jawahir, I.S., Sikdar, S. and Y. Huang, Treatise on Sustainability Science and Engineering, Springer Publishers, ISBN 978-94-007-6228-2, ISBN 978-94-007-6229-9 (eBook), 2013, 338 pp.
- Seliger, G., M. Khraisheh and I.S. Jawahir, Advances in Sustainable Manufacturing, Springer Publishers, (ISBN 978-3-642-20182-0), October 2011, 406 pages.
- Stevenson, R. and I.S. Jawahir, Proc. 5th CIRP International Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations, West Lafayette, IN, USA, May 2002, (ISBN 0-9666706-1-2), University of Kentucky Publishers, 160 pages.
- J.C. Hamann, I.S. Jawahir and C.A. van Luttervelt (Editors), “Modeling of Machining Operations”, Special Issue of the Int. J. Forming Processes, Vol. 3(1), Hermes Science Publishers, Paris, France, 2000, 176 pages.
- Jawahir, I.S., A.K. Balaji and R. Stevenson (Editors), Proc. CIRP International Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations, Atlanta, GA, USA, May 1998, (ISBN 0-9666706-0-4), University of Kentucky, 453 pages.
- Tao Lu and I.S. Jawahir, “An Analysis of Energy Consumption in Material Removal Processes”, Chapter 5, In: Energy Efficient Manufacturing: Theory and Applications (Eds: John W. Sutherland, David A. Dornfeld, Barbara S. Linke), Wiley Publishers, 2018. pp. 123-158.
- Badurdeen, F., I.S. Jawahir and K.E. Rouch, “A Metrics-based Evaluation of Sustainable Manufacturing at Product and Process Levels”, Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies, Elsevier Publishers, 2017, Vol. 1, pp. 145-156.
- Pu, Z., O. W. Dillon Jr., D. A. Puleo and I. S. Jawahir, “Cryogenic machining and burnishing of magnesium alloys to Improve the in vivo Corrosion Resistance”, Surface Modification of Magnesium and its alloys for Biomedical Applications: Modification and Coating Techniques - Volume 2, Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, United Kingdom, (ISBN 978-1-78242-078-1), 2015, Vol. 2, pp. 103-133.
- Jawahir, I.S., “Chip-form, Chip Breakability and Chip Control”, CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, (Eds: Luc Laperrière and Gunther Reinhart, Springer Publishers, (ISSBN: 978-3-642-20616-0), 2014, pp. 178-194.
- Badurdeen, F. Shuaib, M., Lu, T. and I.S. Jawahir, “Sustainable Value Creation in Manufacturing at Product and Process Levels: Metrics-based Evaluation”, Handbook of Manufacturing Engineering and Technology (Ed: A.Y.C. Nee), Springer, 2014, pp. 3343-3376.
- Badurdeen, F., Thomas J. Goldsby, Deepak Iyengar and I. S. Jawahir, ‘Transforming Supply Chains to Create Sustainable Value for All Stakeholders’, In: Treatise on Sustainability Science and Engineering, (Eds: I.S. Jawahir, S. Sikdar and Y. Huang), Springer Publishers (ISBN 978-94-007-6228-2), pp. 311-338, 2013.
- Yang, S., Z. Pu, D. A. Puleo, O. W. Dillon, Jr., I. S. Jawahir, “Cryogenic Processing of Biomaterials for Improved Surface Integrity and Product Sustainability”, In: Advances in Sustainable Manufacturing, (Eds: Seliger, G., M. Khraisheh and I.S. Jawahir), Springer Publishers (ISBN 978-3-642-20182-0), pp. 175-180, 2011.
- Jawahir, I.S. and Jayal, A.D., “Product and Process Innovation for Modeling of Sustainable Machining Processes”, Keynote Paper, In: Advances in Sustainable Manufacturing, (Eds: Seliger, G., M. Khraisheh and I.S. Jawahir), Springer Publishers (ISBN 978-3-642-20182-0), pp. 299-305, 2011.
- Lu, T., A. Gupta, A. D. Jayal, F. Badurdeen, S.C. Feng, O. W. Dillon, Jr., I. S. Jawahir, “A Framework of Product and Process Metrics for Sustainable Manufacturing”, In: Advances in Sustainable Manufacturing, (Eds: Seliger, G., M. Khraisheh and I.S. Jawahir), Springer Publishers (ISBN 978-3-642-20182-0), pp. 331-336, 2011.
- Shuaib, M., H. Metta, F. Badurdeen, I.S. Jawahir and T. Goldsby, “Design and Performance Evaluation of Sustainable Supply Chains: Approach and Methodologies, In: Advances in Sustainable Manufacturing, (Eds: Seliger, G., M. Khraisheh and I.S. Jawahir), Springer Publishers (ISBN 978-3-642-20182-0), pp. 345-350, 2011.
- Gupta, A., A.D. Jayal, M. Chimienti and I.S. Jawahir, “A Total Life-cycle Approach Towards Developing Product Metrics for Sustainable Manufacturing”, Glocalised Solutions for Sustainability in Manufacturing (Eds: Jurgen Hessebach and Christoph Herrmann), Springer Publishers (ISBN 978-3-642-19692-8), 2011, pp. 240-245.
- Gupta, A., R. Vangari, A.D. Jayal and I.S. Jawahir, “Priority Evaluation of Product Metrics for Sustainable Manufacturing”, Global Product Development (Ed: Alain Bernard), Springer Publishers (ISBN 978-3-642-15972-4), 2011, pp. 631-641.
- Badurdeen, F., A.D. Jayal, and I.S. Jawahir, “Towards a Systems Approach for Developing Sustainable Products from Sustainable Manufacturing", Chapter 14, In: Designing Sustainable Products, Services and Manufacturing Systems, (Editors: Amaresh Chakrabarti, Sudarsan Rachuri, Prabir Sarkar and Srinivas Kota), Research Publishing Services, Singapore, 2011, pp. 159-170.
- Mohamed I. Hassan, Varahalaraju Kalidindi, Aaron Carner, Neal Lemmerman, Mark V. Thomas, I.S. Jawahir and Kozo Saito, “Scaling Human Bone Properties with PMMA to Optimize Drilling Conditions During Dental Implant Surgery”, Progress in Scale Modeling (Editor: K. Saito), Springer Publishers, 2008, pp. 497-507.
- Jaafar, I.H., A. Venkatachalam, K. Joshi, A.C. Ungureanu, N. De Silva, O.W. Dillon, Jr., K.E. Rouch, and Jawahir, I.S., “Product Design for Sustainability: A New Assessment Methodology and Case Studies”, Handbook of Environmentally Conscious Mechanical Design, (Editor: M. Kutz), John Wiley & Sons, Chapter 2, 2007, pp. 25-65.
- Jawahir, I.S., P.C. Wanigarathne and X. Wang, “Chapter 12: Product Design and Manufacturing Processes for Sustainability”, Mechanical Engineering Handbook, (Editor: M. Kutz), 3rd Edition, Vol. 3, Manufacturing and Management, John Wiley & Sons, October 2006, pp. 414-443.
- Jawahir, I.S., “Designing for Machining: Machinability and Machining Performance Considerations”, Volume 24, Handbook of Metallurgical Design, (Eds: G.E. Totten, K. Funatani and L. Xie), Marcel Dekker Publishers, NY, USA, May 2004, pp. 919-958.
- Jawahir, I.S. and A.K. Balaji, “Chapter 21: Machining”, Handbook of Aluminum Metallurgy, Processes and Equipment, (Editor: G.E. Totten), Marcel Dekker Publishers, NY, USA, March 2003, pp. 1063-1103.
Published Journal Papers
- Uysal, A. and I.S. Jawahir, “A Slip-line Model for Serrated Chip Formation in Machining of Stainless Steel and Validation” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Published online on December 3, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-018-3136-x.
- Aydin, R., A. Brown, F. Badurdeen, W. Li, K.E. Rouch and I.S. Jawahir, “Quantifying Impacts of Product Return Uncertainty on Economic and Environmental Performances of Product Configuration Design”, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 43, Part B, July 2018, pp. 3-11.
- Caudill, J., J. Schoop and I.S. Jawahir, “Correlation of Surface Integrity with Processing Parameters and Advanced Interface Cooling/Lubrication in Burnishing of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy”, Int. J. Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies. Published online on August 20, 2018, DOI: 10.1080/2374068X.2018.1511215.
- Seevers, K.D., F. Badurdeen, and I.S. Jawahir, “Value Creation for Lifecycle based Product Development through the Sustainable Half-life Return Model”, International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management, Vol. 11(1), 2018, pp. 47-55.
- Ryan Bradley, I.S. Jawahir, Fazleena Badurdeen, Keith Rouch, “A Total Life Cycle Cost Model (TLCCM) for the Circular Economy and its Application to Post-recovery Resource Allocation”, J. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 135, August 2018, pp. 141-149.
- Kaynak, Y., B. Huang, H.E. Karaca and I.S. Jawahir, “Surface Characteristics of Machined NiTi Shape Memory Alloy: The Effects of Cryogenic Cooling and Preheating Conditions”, J. Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 26(7), 2017, pp. 3597-3606.
- Julius Schoop, Wisley Falco Sales and I.S. Jawahir, “High Speed Cryogenic Finish Machining of Ti-6Al4V with Polycrystalline Diamond Tools”, J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 250, 2017, pp. 1-8.
- Wisley Falco Sales, Julius Schoop and I.S. Jawahir, “Tribological Behavior of PCD Tools during Superfinish Turning of Ti6Al4VAlloy using Cryogenic, Hybrid and Flood as Lubri-Coolant Environments”, Tribology International, Vol. 114, 2017, pp. 109-120.
- Ninggang Shen, Hongtao Ding, Zhengwen Pu and I.S. Jawahir, “Enhanced Surface Integrity from Cryogenic Machining of AZ31B Mg Alloy: A Physics-based Analysis with Microstructure Prediction” ASME J. of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 139(6), June 2017: 061012-061012-13. DOI:10.1115/1.4034279.
- Jawahir, I.S., H. Attia, D. Biermann, J. Duflou, F. Klocke, D. Meyer, S.T. Newman, F. Pusavec, M. Putz, J. Rech, V. Schulze and D. Umbrello, "Cryogenic Manufacturing Processes", Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 65(2), 2016, pp. 713-736.
- Bilge, P., F. Badurdeen, G. Seliger and Jawahir, I.S., "A Novel Manufacturing Architecture for Sustainable Value Creation", Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 65(1), 2016, pp. 455-458.
- Schoop, J., F. Ambrosy, F. Zanger, V. Schulze, I.S. Jawahir and T.J. Balk, “Increased Surface Integrity in Porous Tungsten from Cryogenic Machining with Cermet Cutting Tool”, J. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 31(7), 2016, pp. 823-831.
- Pusavec, F., T. Lu, C. Courbon, J. Rech, U. Aljancic, J. Kopac and I.S. Jawahir, “Analysis of the Influence of Nitrogen Phase and Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient on Cryogenic Machining Performance”, J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 233, 2016, pp. 19-28.
- Schoop, J., F. Ambrosy, F. Zanger, V. Schulze, T.J. Balk and I.S. Jawahir, “Cryogenic Machining of Porous Tungsten for Enhanced Surface Integrity”, J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 229, 2016, pp. 614-621.
- Xia, T., Y. Kaynak and I.S. Jawahir, "Cryogenic Cooling-induced Process Performance and Surface Integrity in Drilling CFRP Composite Material", Int. J. Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 82(1-4), 2016, pp. 605-616.
- Schoop, J., T.J. Balk and I.S. Jawahir, “Size Effects in Finish Machining of Porous Powdered Metal for Engineered Surface Quality”, Precision Engineering, Vol. 44, 2016, pp. 180-191.
- Huang, B., Y. Kaynak, C. Arvin and I.S. Jawahir, “Improved Surface Integrity from Cryogenic Machining of Al 7050-T7451 Alloy with Ultra-fine Grained Structure”, Int. J. Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Vol. 1(3-4), 2015, pp. 361-374.
- Bilge, P., F. Badurdeen, G. Seliger and I.S. Jawahir, “Conceptual Modeling of Interactions among Value Creation Factors for Improved Sustainable Value Creation, Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management, Special Issue on Sustainable Manufacturing, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2015, pp. 287-311.
- Kaynak, Y., Karaca, H.E, Noebe, R.D. and I.S. Jawahir, “The Effect of Active Phase of the Work Material on Machining Performance of a NiTi Shape Memory Alloy”, J. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Vol. 46(6), 2015, pp. 2625-2636. DOI 10.1007/s1661-015-828-1.
- Outeiro, J.C., D. Umbrello, R. M’Saoubi, and I. S. Jawahir, “Evaluation of Present Numerical Models for Predicting Metal Cutting Performance and Residual Stresses”, J. Machining Science and Technology, Vol. 19(2), 2015, pp. 183-216.
- Ali Kheiriddine, Ali Ammouri, T. Lu, O.W. Dillon, Jr., Hamade, R. and I.S. Jawahir, "An Experimental and Numerical Study of the Effect of Cryogenic Cooling on the Surface Integrity of Drilled Holes in AZ31B Mg Alloy", Int. J. of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 78, 2015, pp. 269-279.
- Kaynak, Y. H. Karaca and I.S. Jawahir, “Cutting Speed Dependent Microstructure and Transformation Behavior of NiTi Alloy in Dry and Cryogenic Machining", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 24(1), 2015, pp. 452-460.
- Pusavec, F., A. Deshpande, S. Yang, R.M’Saoubi, J. Kopac, O.W. Dillon, Jr. and I.S. Jawahir, “Sustainable Machining of High Temperature Nickel Alloy – Inconel 718: Part 2 – Chip Breakability and Optimization”, J. Cleaner Production, Vol. 87, 2015, pp. 941-952.
- Yang, S., D. Umbrello, O. W. Dillon, Jr., D. A. Puleo and I. S. Jawahir, “Cryogenic Cooling Effect on Surface and Subsurface Microstructural Modifications in Burnishing of Co-Cr-Mo Biomaterial”, J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 217, 2015, pp. 211-221.
- Kaynak, Y., S.W. Robertson, H.E. Karaca and I. S. Jawahir, “Progressive Tool-wear in Machining of Room-temperature Austenitic NiTi Alloys: The Influence of Cooling/lubricating, Melting, and Heat Treatment Conditions”, J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 215, 2015, pp. 95-104.
- Pusavec, F., A. Deshpande, S. Yang, R.M’Saoubi, J. Kopac, O.W. Dillon, Jr. and I.S. Jawahir, “Sustainable Machining of High Temperature Nickel Alloy – Inconel 718: Part 1 – Predictive Performance Models”, J. Cleaner Production, Vol. 81, 2014, pp. 255-269.
- Shuaib, M., F. Badurdeen, K.E. Rouch and I.S. Jawahir, “Product Sustainability Index (ProdSI) – A Metrics-based Framework to Evaluate Total Life-cycle Sustainability of Manufactured Products”, J. Industrial Ecology, Vol. 18(4), 2014, pp. 491-507.
- Fazleena Badurdeen, Mohannad Shuaib, Ken Wijekoon, Adam Brown, William Faulkner, Joseph Amundson, I. S. Jawahir, Thomas J. Goldsby, Deepak Iyengar and Brench Boden, “Quantitative Modeling and Analysis of Supply Chain Risks using Bayesian Theory”, J. Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol. 25(5), 2014, pp. 631-654.
- Utpal Roy, Mehmet Murat Beysal, Mehmet I. Sarigecisili, Mohannad Shuaib, Fazleena Badurdeen and I.S. Jawahir, “Development of Integrated Product Information Model for Product Sustainability Assessment”, Int. J. of Sustainable Manufacturing, Vol. 3(2), 2014, pp.156-169.
- Pu, Z., D. Umbrello, D.A. Puleo, O.W. Dillon, Jr., and I.S. Jawahir, “Finite Element Modeling of Microstructural Changes in Dry and Cryogenic Machining AZ31B Magnesium Alloy for Enhanced Corrosion Resistance”, J. Manufacturing Processes, 2014, Vol. 16(2), pp. 335-343.
- Kaynak, Y., T. Lu and I. S. Jawahir, “Cryogenic Machining-induced Surface Integrity: A Review and Comparison with Dry, MQL, and Flood-cooled Machining”, J. Machining Science and Technology, Vol. 18(2), 2014, pp. 149-198.
- Kaynak, Y., H. Karaca, R. Noebe and I.S. Jawahir, “The Effects of Machining on Microstructure and Transformation Behavior of NiTi Alloy”, Scripta Materialia, March 2014, Vol. 74, pp. 60-63.
- Rotella, G., O.W. Dillon, Jr., D. Umbrello, L. Settineri and I.S. Jawahir, “The Effects of Cooling Conditions on Surface Integrity in Machining of Ti6Al4V Alloy”, Int. J. Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 71 (1-4), 2014, pp. 47-55.
- Klocke, F., D. Lung, S. Buchkremer and I.S. Jawahir, “From Orthogonal Cutting Experiments Towards Easy-to-Implement and Accurate Flow Stress Data”, J. Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 28, 2013, pp. 1222-1227.
- Arrazola, P., T. Ozel, D. Umbrello, M. Davies and I.S. Jawahir, “Recent Advances in Modeling of Machining Processes”, Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 62(2), 2013, pp. 695-718.
- Haapala, K. F. Zhao, J. Camello, J.W. Sutherland, S.J. Skerlos, D.A. Dornfeld, I.S. Jawahir, A.F. Clarens and J.L. Rickli “A Review of Engineering Research in Sustainable Manufacturing”, ASME J. Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2013, Vol. 135(4), Art No. 041013.
- Kaynak, Y. H, Karaca, R. Noebe and I.S. Jawahir, “Tool-wear Analysis in Cryogenic Machining of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys: A Comparison of Tool-wear Performance with Dry, and MQL Machining”, Wear, Vol. 306, 2013, pp. 51-63.
- Hassan, M.F., M.Z.M. Saman, S. Sharif, B. Omar, X. Zhang, F. Badurdeen, I.S. Jawahir, “Selection of Product Design Configuration for Improved Sustainability using the Product Sustainability Index (ProdSI) Scoring Method”, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 315 , 2013, pp. 51-56.
- Rotella, G., L. Settineri, D. Umbrello, O.W. Dillon, Jr., and I.S. Jawahir, “Finite Element Modeling of Microstructural Changes in Turning of AA7075-T651 Alloy and Validation”, J. Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 15(1), 2013, pp. 141-150.
- Yang, S., O.W. Dillon, Jr., D.A. Puleo and I.S. Jawahir, “Effect of Cryogenic Burnishing on Surface Integrity Modifications of Co-Cr-Mo Biomedical Alloy”, J. Biomedical Materials Research – Part B; Applied Biomaterials, Vol. 101B(1), 2013, pp. 139-152.
- Umbrello, D., S. Yang, O.W. Dillon, Jr., and I.S. Jawahir, “The Effects of Cryogenic Cooling on Surface Layer Alterations in Machining of AISI52100 Steels”, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 28(11), 2012, pp. 1320-1331.
- Rotella, G, D. Umbrello, O.W. Dillon, Jr., and I.S. Jawahir, “Evaluation of Process Performance for Sustainable Hard Machining”, Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing, Special Issue on Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 6(6), 2012, pp. 989-998.
- Umbrello, D., F. Micari and Jawahir, I. S., “The Effects of Cryogenic Cooling on Surface Integrity in Hard Machining: A Comparison with Dry Machining”, Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 61(1), 2012, pp. 103-106.
- Hamade, R., F. Pusavec, S. P. Manthri, O. W. Dillon Jr. and I. S. Jawahir, “A Methodology for the Optimization of PCD Compact Core Drilling in Basalt Rock”, Int. J. Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 61, 2012, pp. 369-377.
- Aljoaba, Sharif, Oscar Dillon, Jr., Marwan Khraisheh and I.S. Jawahir, “Modeling the Effects of Coolant Application in Friction Stir Processing on Material Microstructure Using 3D CFD Analysis, J. Materials Engineering and Performance, Vol. 21(7), 2012, pp. 1141-1150.
- Pu, Z., G.-L. Song, S. Yang, J.C. Outeiro, O.W. Dillon, Jr., D.A. Puleo and I.S. Jawahir, “Grain Refined and Basal Textured Surface Produced by Burnishing for Improved Corrosion Performance of AZ31B Mg Alloy”, Corrosion Science, Vol. 57, 2012, pp. 192-201.
- Pu, Z., J.C. Outeiro, A.C. Bartista, O.W. Dillon, Jr., D.A. Puleo and I.S. Jawahir, “Enhanced Surface Integrity of AZ31B Mg Alloy by Cryogenic Machining towards Improved Functional Performance of Machined Components”, Int. J. Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 56, 2012, pp. 17-27.
- Pu, Z., S. Yang, G.L. Song, O.W. Dillon, Jr., D.A. Puleo and I.S. Jawahir, “Ultrafine-grained Surface Layer on Mg–Al–Zn Alloy Produced by Cryogenic Burnishing for Enhanced Corrosion Resistance”, Scripta Materialia Vol. 65 (6), 2011, pp. 520–523.
- Jawahir, I.S., E. Brinksmeier, R.M’Saoubi, D.K. Aspinwall, J.C. Outeiro, D. Meyer, D. Umbrello and A.D. Jayal, “Surface Integrity in Material Removal Processes: Recent Advances”, Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 60(2), 2011, pp. 603-626.
- Pusavec, F., E. Govekar, J. Kopac and I.S. Jawahir, “The Influence of Cryogenic Cooling on Process Stability in Turning Operations”, Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 60(1), 2011, pp. 101-104.
- Pusavec, F., H. Hamdi, J. Kopac and I.S. Jawahir, “Surface Integrity in Cryogenic Machining of Nickel-based Alloy – Inconel 718”, J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 211, 2011, pp. 773-783.
- Hamade, R.H., S.P. Manthri, F. Pusavec, K.A. Zacny, L.A. Taylor, O.W. Dillon, Jr., K.E. Rouch and I.S. Jawahir, “Compact Core Drilling in Basalt Rock using Rectangular PCD Tool Inserts: Wear Characteristics and Cutting Forces”, J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 210, 2010, pp. 1326-1339.
- Jayal, A.D., F. Badurdeen, O.W. Dillon, Jr. and I.S. Jawahir, “Sustainable Manufacturing: Modeling and Optimization Challenges at the Product, Process and System Levels”, CIRP J. Manufacturing Science and Technology, Vol. 2(3), 2010, pp. 144-152.
- Umbrello, D., Outeiro, J. C., M’Saoubi, R., Jayal, A. D., and Jawahir, I. S., “A Numerical Model Incorporating the Microstructure Alteration for Predicting Residual Stresses in Hard Machining of AISI 52100 Steel,” Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 59(1), 2010, pp. 113-116.
- Outeiro, J.C., R. Kandibanda, J.C. Pina, O.W. Dillon, Jr., and I.S. Jawahir, “Size Effects and Surface Integrity in Machining and their Influence on Product Sustainability”, Int. J. Sustainable Manufacturing, Vol. 2(1), 2010, pp. 112-126.
- Umbrello, D., A.D. Jayal, O.W. Dillon, Jr., and I.S. Jawahir, “Modeling of White and Dark Layer Formation in Hard Machining”, Machining Science and Technology, Vol. 14(1), 2010, pp. 128-147.
- Jayal, A.D., D. Umbrello, O.W. Dillon, Jr., and I.S. Jawahir, “An Investigation of the Effects of Cutting Conditions, Tool geometry and Workpiece Hardness on Surface Integrity in Orthogonal Machining of AISI 52100 Steel, Trans. NAMRI, May 2010, Vol. 38, pp. 57-64.
- Badurdeen, F., T.J. Goldsby, D. Iyengar, H. Metta, S. Gupta, and I.S. Jawahir, “Extending Total Lifecycle Thinking to Sustainable Supply Chains”, International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management, Vol. 4(1-3), 2009, pp. 49-67.
- Vollertsen, F., D. Biermann, H.N. Hansen, I.S. Jawahir and K. Kuzman, “Size Effects in Manufacturing of Metallic Components”, Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 58(2), 2009, pp. 566-587.
- Guo, Y.B., W. Li and I.S. Jawahir, “Surface Integrity Characterization and Prediction in Machining of Hardened and Difficult-to-Machine Alloys: A State-of-Art Research Review and Analysis”, J. Machining Science and Technology, Vol. 13(4), 2009, pp. 437-470.
- Umbrello, D., and I.S. Jawahir, Numerical Modeling of the Influence of Process Parameters and Workpiece Hardness on White Layer Formation in AISI 52100 Steel”, Int. J. Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 44, 2009, pp. 955-968.
- Guo, Y.B., S. Anurag and I.S. Jawahir, “A Novel Hybrid Predictive Model and Validation of Unique Hook-shaped Residual Stress Profiles in Hard Turning”, Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 58(1), 2009, pp. 81-84.
- Hagiwara, M., S. Chen and I.S. Jawahir, “A Hybrid Predictive Model and Validation for Chip Flow in Contour Finish Turning Operations with Coated Grooved Tools, J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 209(3), 2009, pp. 1417-1427.
- Niranjali de Silva, I.S. Jawahir, O.W. Dillon, Jr and M. Russell, “A New Comprehensive Methodology for the Evaluation of Product Sustainability at the Design and Development Stage of Consumer Electronic Products”, Int. J. Sustainable Manufacturing, Vol. 1(3), 2009, pp. 251-264.
- Aljoaba, S.Z., Jawahir, I.S., O.W. Dillon., Jr. M.H. Ali and M.K. Khraisheh, “Modeling of Friction Stir Processing Using 3D CFD Analysis”, Int. J. Material Forming, Vol. 2 (Supplement 1), pp.315-318, 2009.
- Hagiwara, M., S. Chen and I.S. Jawahir, “Contour Finish Turning Operations with Coated Grooved Tools: Optimization of Machining Performance”, J. Mat. Processing Technology, Vol. 209(1), 2009, pp. 332-342.
- M’Saoubi, R., J.C. Outeiro, H. Chandrasekaran, O.W. Dillon, Jr., and I.S. Jawahir, “A Review of Surface Integrity in Machining and Its Impact on Functional Performance and Life of Machined Products”, Int. J. Sustainable Manufacturing, Vol. 1(1-2), 2008, pp. 203-136.
- Outeiro, J.C., J.C. Pina, R. M’Saoubi, F. Pusavec and I.S. Jawahir, “Analysis of Residual Stresses Induced by Dry Turning of Difficult-to-Machine Materials”, Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 57(1), 2008, pp. 77-80.
- Marksberry, P. and I.S. Jawahir, “A Comprehensive Tool-life Performance Model in Near-dry Machining for Sustainable Manufacturing”, Int. J. Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 48, 2008, pp. 878-886.
- Jawahir, I.S., K.E. Rouch, O.W. Dillon, Jr., L. Holloway and A. Hall, “Design for Sustainability (DFS): New Challenges in Developing and Implementing a Curriculum for Next Generation Design and Manufacturing Engineers”, Int. J. Engineering Education, Vol. 23(6), 2007, pp. 1053-1064.
- Wang, X., Z.J. Da, A.K. Balaji and I.S. Jawahir, “Performance-based Predictive Models and Optimization Methods for Turning Operations and Applications: Part 3 – Optimum Cutting Conditions and Selection of Cutting Tools”, J. Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 9(1), 2007, pp. 61-74.
- Wang, X. and I.S. Jawahir, “Recent Advances in Plasticity Applications in Metal Machining: Slip-line Models for Machining with Rounded Cutting Edge Restricted Contact Grooved Tools”, Int. J. Machining and Machinability of Materials, Vol. 2(1), 2007, pp. 347-360.
- Jawahir, I.S. and X. Wang, “Development of Hybrid Predictive Models and Optimization Techniques for Machining Operations”, J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 185(1-3), pp. 46-59, 2007.
- Poulachon, G., A. Moisan and I.S. Jawahir, “Evaluation of Chip Morphology in Hard Turning Using Constitutive Models and Material Property Data”, ASME J. Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol. 129, 2007, pp. 41-47.
- Balaji, A.K., R. Ghosh, X.D. Fang, R. Stevenson and I.S. Jawahir, “Performance-based Predictive Models and Optimization Methods for Turning Operations and Applications: Part 2 – Assessment of Chip-forms/Chip Breakability”, J. Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 8(2), 2006, pp. 144-158.
- Ee, K.C., P.X. Li, A.K. Balaji and I. S. Jawahir, “Performance-based Predictive Models and Optimization Methods for Turning Operations and Applications: Part 1 – Tool-wear/Tool-life in Turning with Coated Grooved Tools”, J. Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 8(1), 2006, pp. 54-56.
- Teti, R., I.S. Jawahir, K. Jamelniak, T. Segreto, S. Chen and J. Kossakowska, “Chip Form Monitoring through Advanced Processing of Cutting Force Sensor Signals”, Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 55(1), 2006, pp. 75-80.
- Outeiro, J.C., A.M. Dias and I.S. Jawahir, “On the Effects of Residual Stresses Induced by Coated and Uncoated Cutting Tools with Finite Edge Radii in Turning Operations”, Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 55(1), 2006, pp. 111-116.
- Wanigarathne, P.C., A.D. Kardekar, O. W. Dillon, Jr., G. Poulachon and I. S. Jawahir, “Progressive Tool-wear in Machining with Coated Grooved Tools and Its Correlation with Cutting Temperature”, Wear, Vol. 259, 2005, pp. 1215-1224.
- Ee, K.C., O.W. Dillon, Jr. and I.S. Jawahir, “Finite Element Modeling of Residual Stresses in Machining Induced by Cutting Tool with a Finite Edge Radius”, Int. J. Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 47(10), 2005, pp. 1611-1628.
- Wang, X. and I.S. Jawahir, “Optimization of Multi-pass Turning Operations Using Genetic Algorithms for the Selection of Cutting Conditions and Cutting Tools with Tool-wear Effect”, Int. J. Production Research, Vol. 43(17), 2005, pp. 3543-3559.
- Chen, S., D. Head, M. Effgen and I.S. Jawahir, “An Investigation of Sustained Machining Performance for Controlled Surface Quality Requirements in Porous Tungsten”, Trans. IEEE on Electron Devices, Vol. 52(5), May 2005, pp. 903-908.
- Poulachon, G., A. Albert, M. Schluraff and I.S. Jawahir, “An Experimental Investigation of Work Material Microstructure Effects on White Layer Formation in PCBN Hard Turning”, Int. J. Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 45, 2005, pp. 211-218.
- Poulachon, G., B.P. Bandyopadhyay, I.S. Jawahir, S. Pheulpin and E. Seguin, “Wear Behavior of CBN Tools While Turning Various Hardened Steels”, Wear, Vol. 256, 2004, pp. 302-310.
- Ekinovic, S., S. Doninsek and I.S. Jawahir, “Some Observations of the Chip Formation Process and the White Layer Formation in High Speed Milling of Hardened Steel”, Machining Science and Technology, Vol. 8(2), 2004, pp. 327-340.
- Wang, X. and I.S. Jawahir, “Web-based Optimization of Milling Operations for the Selection of Cutting Conditions using Genetic Algorithms”, J. Engineering Manufacture - Proc. Inst. Mech. Engineers, United Kingdom, Vol. 218, 2004, pp. 647-655.
- Jawahir, I.S., A.K. Balaji, K.E. Rouch and J.E. Baker, “Towards Integration of Hybrid Models for Optimized Machining Performance in Intelligent Machining Systems”, J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 139(1-3), 2003, pp. 488-498.
- Fofana, M.S., K.C. Ee and I.S. Jawahir, “Machining Stability in Turning Operations when Cutting with a Progressively Worn Tool Insert”, J. Wear, Vol. 255, 2003, pp. 1395-1403.
- Ee, K.C., A.K. Balaji and I.S. Jawahir, “Progressive Tool-wear Mechanisms and their Effects on Chip Curl/Chip-form in Machining with Grooved Tools: An Extended Application of the Equivalent Toolface (ET) Model”, Wear, Vol. 255, 2003, pp. 1404-1413.
- Fang, N. and I.S. Jawahir, “Prediction of Chip Back-flow Angle in Machining with Restricted Contact Grooved Tools”, ASME J. Manufacturing Science & Engineering, Vol. 125, 2003, pp. 210-219.
- Wang, X. and I.S. Jawahir, “Prediction of Tool-Chip Interface Friction and the Chip-groove Effects in Machining with Restricted Contact Grooved Tools Using the Universal Slip-line Model”, J. Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 233-236, 2003, pp.469-476.
- Poulachon, G., B. Badyopadhyay, I.S. Jawahir, S. Pheulpin, E. Seguin, “The Influence of the Microstructure of Hardened Tool Steels on the Wear of PCBN Cutting Tools”, Int. J. Machine Tools & Manufacture, Vol. 43, 2003, pp. 139-144.
- Wang, X., Z.J. Da, A.K. Balaji and I.S. Jawahir, “Performance-Based Optimal Selection of Cutting Conditions and Cutting Tools in Multi-Pass Turning Operations Using Genetic Algorithms”, Int. J. Production Research, Vol. 40(9), 2002, pp. 2053-2065.
- Fang, N. and I.S. Jawahir, “An Analytical Predictive Model and Experimental Validation for Machining with Grooved Tools Incorporating the Effects of Strains, Strain-rates, and Temperatures”, Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 51(1), 2002, pp. 83-86.
- Poulachon, G., M. Dessoly, J.L. Lebrun, C. Le Calvez, V. Prunet and I.S. Jawahir, “Sulphide Inclusion Effects on Tool-wear in High Productivity Milling of Tool Steels”, Wear, Vol. 253, 2002, pp. 339-356.
- Ee, K.C., A.K. Balaji, P.X. Li and I.S. Jawahir, “Force Decomposition Model for Tool-wear in Turning with Grooved Cutting Tools”, Wear, Vol. 249, 2002, pp. 985-994.
- Fang, N. and I.S. Jawahir, “Analytical Predictions and Experimental Validation of Cutting Force Ratio, Chip Thickness, and Chip Back-flow Angle in Restricted Contact Machining Using the Universal Slip-line Model”, Int. J. Machine Tools & Manufacture, Vol. 42, 2002, pp. 681-694.
- Balaji, A.K. and I.S. Jawahir, “Variable Tool-Chip Interfacial Friction in 2-D and 3-D machining Operations”, Int. J. Forming Processes, Vol. 4(1-2), 2001, pp. 111-123.
- Poulachon, G., A. Moisan and I.S. Jawahir, “On Modeling the Influence of Thermo-mechanical Behavior on Chip Formation During Hard Turning of 100Cr6 Bearing Steel” Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 50(1), 2001, pp. 31-36.
- Fang, N. and I.S. Jawahir, “A New Methodology for Determining the Stress State of the Plastic Region in Machining with Restricted Contact Tools”, Int. J. Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 43, 2001, pp. 1747-1770.
- Poulachon, G., A. Moisan and I.S. Jawahir, “Tool-wear Mechanisms in Hard Turning with Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride Tools”, Wear, Vol. 250, 2001, pp. 576-586.
- Poulachon, G., D. Dessoly, C. Le Calvez, J.L. Lebrun, V. Prunet and I.S. Jawahir, “An Investigation of the Influence of Sulphide Inclusions on Tool-wear in High Speed Milling of Tool Steels”, Wear, Vol. 250, 2001, pp. 334-343.
- Balaji, A.K. and I.S. Jawahir, “Contour Turning of Aluminum Alloys with Flat-faced and Grooved Diamond Tools” Machining Science & Technology, Vol. 5(2), 2001, pp. 269-289.
- Fang, N., I.S. Jawahir and P.L.B. Oxley, “A Universal Slip-line Field Model with Non-unique Solutions for Machining with Curled Chip Formation and a Restricted Contact Tool”, Int. J. Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 43, 2001, pp. 557-580.
- Zhang, H., O.W. Dillon, Jr., and I.S. Jawahir, "A Finite Element Analysis of 2-D Machining with a Grooved Tool", Trans. NAMRI, Vol. XXIX, 2001, pp. 327-334.
- Arsecularatne, J.A. and I.S. Jawahir, “Prediction and Validation of Cutting Forces in Machining with Chip Breaker Tools”, Trans. NAMRI, Vol. XXIX, 2001, pp. 367-374.
- Fang, N. and I.S. Jawahir, “Prediction and Validation of Chip Up-curl in Machining Using the Universal Slip-line Model”, Trans. NAMRI, Vol. XXVIII, 2000, pp. 137-142.
- Jawahir, I.S., R. Ghosh, P.X. Li and A.K. Balaji, “Predictability of Tool Failure Modes in Turning with Complex Grooved Tools Using Equivalent Toolface (ET) Model”, Wear, Vol. 244, 2000, pp. 94-103.
- Jawahir, I.S. and A.K. Balaji, “Predictive Modeling and Optimization of Turning Operations with Complex Grooved Tools for Curled Chip Formation and Chip Breaking”, Machining Science & Technology, Vol. 4(3), 2000, pp. 399-443.
- Balaji, A.K., G. Sreeram, I.S. Jawahir and E. Lenz, “The Effects of Cutting Tool Thermal Conductivity on Tool-Chip Contact length and Cyclic Chip Formation in Machining with Grooved Tools”, Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 48(1), 1999, pp. 33-38.
- Jawahir, I.S., O.W. Dillon, A.K. Balaji, M. Redetzky and N. Fang, “Predictive Modeling of Machining Performance in Turning Operations”, Machining Science & Technology, Vol. 2(2), 1998, pp. 253-276.
- van Luttervelt, C.A., T.H.C. Childs, I.S. Jawahir, F. Klocke and K. Venuvinod Patri, “Present Situation and Future Trends in Modeling of Machining Operations”, Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 47(2), 1998, pp. 587-626.
- Ganapathy, B.K. and I.S. Jawahir, "Modeling the Chip-Work Contact Force for Chip Breaking in Orthogonal Machining with a Flat-Faced Tool”, ASME J. Manufacturing Science & Engineering, Vol. 120, 1998, pp. 49-56.
- Ghosh, R., O.W. Dillon and I.S. Jawahir, “An Investigation of 3-D Curled Chip in Machining - Part 1: A Mechanics-Based Analytical Model”, Machining Science & Technology, Vol. 2(1), 1998, pp. 91-116.
- Ghosh, R., O.W. Dillon and I.S. Jawahir, “An Investigation of 3-D Curled Chip in Machining - Part 2: Simulation and Validation Using FE Techniques”, Machining Science & Technology, Vol. 2(1), 1998, pp. 117-145.
- Da, Z.J., J.P. Sadler and I.S. Jawahir, “A New Performance-Based Criterion for Optimum Cutting Conditions and Cutting Tool Selection in Finish Turning”, Trans. NAMRI, Vol. XXVI, 1998, pp. 129-134.
- Da, Z.J., J.P. Sadler and I.S. Jawahir, “Predicting Optimum Cutting Conditions for Turning Operations at Varying Tool-wear States”, Trans. NAMRI, Vol. XXV, 1997, pp. 75-80.
- Fang, X.D. and I.S. Jawahir, “An Analytical Model for Cyclic Chip Formation in 2-D Machining with Chip Breaking”, Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 45(1), 1996, pp. 53-58.
- Fang, X.D., J. Fei and I.S. Jawahir, " A Hybrid Algorithm for Predicting Chip-form/Chip Breakability in Machining", Int. J. Machine Tools & Manufacture, Vol. 36, No. 10, 1996, pp. 1093-1107.
- Wang, L., K. Saito and I.S. Jawahir, "Infrared Temperature Measurement of Curled Chip Formation in Metal Machining", Trans. NAMRI, Vol. XXIV, 1996, pp. 87-92.
- Li, P.X., I.S. Jawahir, X.D. Fang and E.L. Exner, "Chip-groove Effects on Concurrently Occurring Multiple Tool-wear Parameters in Machining with Complex Grooved Tools", Trans. NAMRI, Vol. XXIV, 1996, pp. 33-38.
- Ouyang, J.F. and I.S. Jawahir, "Ball Array Calibration Using a Gage Block", Int. J. Measurements, Vol. 16, 1995, pp. 219-229.
- Jawahir, I.S., P.X. Li, R. Ghosh and E.L. Exner, "A New Parametric Approach for the Assessment of Comprehensive Tool-wear in Coated Grooved Tools", Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 44(1), 1995, pp. 49-54.
- Jawahir, I.S. and X.D. Fang, "A Knowledge-based System for Designing Effective Chip Breakers for 2-D and 3-D Chip Curl and Chip Breaking", Int. J. Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 10, 1995, pp. 225-239.
- Jawahir, I.S. and J.P. Zhang, "An Analysis of Chip Curl Development, Chip Deformation and Chip Breaking in Orthogonal Machining", Trans. NAMRI, Vol. XXIII, 1995, pp. 109-114.
- Jawahir, I.S., R. Ghosh, X.D. Fang and P.X. Li, "An Investigation of the Effects of Chip Flow on Tool-wear in Machining with Complex Grooved Tools", Wear, Vol. 184, 1995, pp. 145-154.
- Fang, X.D. and I.S. Jawahir, "Predicting Total Machining Performance in Finish Turning Using Integrated Fuzzy-Set Models of the Machinability Parameters", Int. J. Production Research, Vol. 32(4), 1994, pp. 833-849.
- Jawahir, I.S. and C.A. van Luttervelt, "Recent Developments in Chip Control Research and Applications", Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 42 (2), 1993, pp. 659-693.
- Jawahir, I.S. and J. Fei, "A Comprehensive Evaluation of Tool Inserts for Chip Control Using Fuzzy Modeling of Machinability Parameters", Trans. NAMRI, Vol. XXI, 1993, pp. 205-212.
- Fang, X.D. and I.S. Jawahir, "The Effects of Progressive Tool-wear and Tool restricted Contact on Chip Breakability in Machining", Wear, Vol. 160, 1993, pp. 243-252.
- Jawahir, I.S., N.U. Qureshi, and J.A. Arsecularatne, "On the Interrelationships of Some Machinability Parameters in Finish Turning", Int. J. Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 32(5), 1992, pp. 709-723.
- Jawahir, I.S., "An Investigation of Three-dimensional Chip Flow in Machining of Steels with Grooved Chip Forming Tool Inserts", Trans. NAMRI, Vol. XIX, 1991, pp. 222-231.
- Islam, M.N., I.S. Jawahir, and I.J. Kirby, "A CMM-based Geometric Accuracy Study of CNC Drilling Operations", ME Trans. IEAust., Vol. ME 16(2), 1991, pp. 141-148.
- Fang, X.D. and I.S. Jawahir, "On Predicting Chip Breakability in Machining of Steels with Carbide Tool Inserts Having Complex Chip Groove Geometries", J. Materials Processing Technology, Vol. 28, 1991, pp. 37-47.
- Jawahir, I.S., "On the Controllability of Chip breaking Cycles and Modes of Chip Breaking in Metal Machining", Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 39(1), 1990, pp. 47-51.
- Yao, Y., I.S. Jawahir, D. Jamieson and X.D. Fang, "Computer Animation of Chip Flow and Chip Curl in an Expert Process Planning System for Metal Machining", Trans. NAMRI, Vol. XVIII, 1990, pp. 161-166.
- Jawahir, I.S., "A Survey and Future Predictions for the Use of Chip Breaking in Unmanned Systems", Int. J. Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 3(4), 1988, pp. 87-104.
- Jawahir, I.S., "The Chip Control Factor in Machinability Assessments: Recent Trends", J. Mechanical Working Technology, Vol. 17, 1988, pp. 213-224.
- Jawahir, I.S., "The Tool Restricted Contact Effect as a Major Influencing Factor in Chip Breaking: An Experimental Analysis", Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 37(1), 1988, pp. 121-126.
Journal Paper Accepted for Publication (to appear in 2019)
- Alper Uysal, James R. Caudill, Julius Schoop and I.S. Jawahir,, “Minimizing Carbon Emission with Improved Human Health in Sustainable Machining of Austenitic Stainless Steel through Multi-objective Optimization”, Int. J. Sustainable Manufacturing, 2019
- Jawahir, I.S., “Engineered Surface Integrity Induced by Sustainable Machining for Improved Product/Process Performance” (Keynote Paper), 8th Int. Conf. on High Speed Machining (HSM), Guangzhou, China, November 22-24, 2018.
- Buddhika M. Hapuwatte and I.S. Jawahir, “A Total Life-cycle Approach for Developing Predictive Design Methodologies to Optimize Product Performance”, Procedia Manufacturing, 2019, (Also presented at the 16th Global Conf. on Sustainable Manufacturing, Lexington Kentucky, USA, October 2-4, 2018).
- Alper Uysal, James R. Caudill, Julius Schoop and I.S. Jawahir,, “Minimizing Carbon Emission with Improved Human Health in Sustainable Machining of Austenitic Stainless Steel through Multi-objective Optimization”, 16th Global Conf. on Sustainable Manufacturing, Lexington Kentucky, USA, October 2-4, 2018.
- Ana E. Bonilla Hernández, Tao Lu, Tomas Beno, Claes Fredriksson and I.S. Jawahir, “Process Sustainability Evaluation for Manufacturing of a Component with the 6R Application”, Procedia Manufacturing, 2019, (Also presented at the 16th Global Conf. on Sustainable Manufacturing, Lexington Kentucky, USA, October 2-4, 2018).
- Ryan Bradley and I.S. Jawahir, “Designing and Redesigning Products, Manufacturing Processes, and Systems for a Helical Economy”, Procedia Manufacturing, 2019, (Also presented at the 16th Global Conf. on Sustainable Manufacturing, Lexington Kentucky, USA, October 2-4, 2018).
- Fazleena Badurdeen, Keith Rouch and I.S. Jawahir, “An Online Education Model for Next Generation Sustainable Manufacturing Workforce Development”, 16th Global Conf. on Sustainable Manufacturing, Lexington Kentucky, USA, October 2-4, 2018.
- Ramsey F. Hamade, Tarek R. Andari, Ali H. Ammouri and I.S. Jawahir, “Rotary Friction Welding versus Fusion Butt Welding of Plastic Pipes – Feasibility and Energy Perspective”, Procedia Manufacturing, 2019, (Also presented at the 16th Global Conf. on Sustainable Manufacturing, Lexington Kentucky, USA, October 2-4, 2018).
- Aihua Huang, Fazleena Badurdeen and I.S. Jawahir, “Towards Developing Sustainable Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems”, Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 17, 2018, pp. 1136-1143.
- R. Aydin, A. Brown, F. Badurdeen, W. Li, K. E. Rouch and I. S. Jawahir, “Quantifying Impacts of Product Return Uncertainty on Economic and Environmental Performances of Product Configuration Design”, (Also, published in J. Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 43, Part B, July 2018, pp. 3-11).
- Hardt, M., F. Klocke, B. Döbbeler, M. Binder, I.S. Jawahir, “Experimental Study on Surface Integrity of Cryogenically Machined Ti 6Al 4V Alloy for Biomedical Devices”, Procedia CIRP, 2018, pp.181-186. (Also presented at the 4th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (CSI 2018), Tianjin, China, July 2018).
- Klocke, F., B. Döbbeler and S. Lung, T. Seelbach and I.S. Jawahir, “Analysis of Surface Integrity in Machining of AISI 304 Stainless Steel under Various Cooling and Cutting Conditions”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1960, 070015, 2018: doi.org/10.1063/1.5034911.
- Koren, Y., X. Gu, F. Badurdeen and I.S. Jawahir, “Sustainable Living Factories for Next Generation Manufacturing”, Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 21, 2018, pp. 26–36.
- Jawahir, I.S., “Recent Advances in Sustainable Machining: Progress Towards Achieving Engineered Surface Integrity for Improved Product/Process Performance” (Keynote Paper), Int. Conf. on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT), Chennai, India, December 11-14, 2017.
- Hapuwatte, B.M., F. Badurdeen and I.S. Jawahir, “Metrics-based Integrated Predictive Performance Models for Optimized Sustainable Product Design”, Proc. Int. Conf. on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (Editors: Giampaolo Campana, Robert J. Howlett, Rossi Setchi and Barbara Cimatti), pp. 25-34, Springer Publishers. 2017.
- Maginnis, M.A., B.M. Hapuwatte and I.S. Jawahir, “Implementing Total Life-cycle Product Sustainability through True Lean Thinking”, Proc. 14th IFIP International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, Seville, Spain, April 2017, pp. 544-553, Springer Publishers.
- Ryan Bradley, I.S. Jawahir, Niko Murrell and Julie Whitney, “Parallel Design of a Product and Internet of Things (IoT) Architecture to Minimize the Cost of Utilizing Big Data (BD) for Sustainable Value Creation”, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 61, 2017, pp. 58-62 (Paper presented at the 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Kamakura, Japan, March 8-10, 2017).
- Bilge, P., S. Emec, G. Seliger and I.S. Jawahir, “Mapping and Integrating Value Creation Factors with Life-cycle Stages for Sustainable Manufacturing”, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 61, 2017, pp. 28-33. (Paper presented at the 24th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Kamakura, Japan, March 8-10, 2017).
- Caudill, J., J. Schoop and I.S. Jawahir, “Correlation of Surface Integrity with Processing Parameters and Advanced Interface Cooling/Lubrication in Burnishing of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy” (Keynote Paper), Int. Conf. on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 8-11, 2016.
- Jawahir, I.S., “Sustainable Machining: Predictive Models and Optimization Techniques for Improved Product/Process Performance” (Keynote Paper), Proc. 7th Int. Symposium on Machining, Istanbul, Turkey, November 3-5, 2016.
- Badurdeen, F. and I.S. Jawahir, “Strategies for Value Creation through Sustainable Manufacturing”, Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 8, 2017, pp. 20-27. (Also presented as a keynote paper at the 14th Global Conf. on Sustainable Manufacturing, Stellenbosch, South Africa, October 3-5, 2016. (Also published in Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 8, 2017, pp. 20-27.)
- Caudill, J., J. Schoop and I.S. Jawahir, “Correlation of Surface Integrity with Processing Parameters and Advanced Interface Cooling/Lubrication in Burnishing of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy”, Int. Conf. on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 8-11, 2016.
- Jawahir, I.S., “Sustainable Machining: Predictive Models and Optimization Techniques for Improved Product/Process Performance” (Keynote Paper), Proc. 7th Int. Symposium on Machining, Istanbul, Turkey, November 3-5, 2016.
- Jawahir, I.S., D.A. Puleo and J. Schoop, “Cryogenic Machining of Biomedical Implant Material for Improved Functional Performance, Life and Sustainability”, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 46, 2016, pp. 7-14.
- Sun, Y., B. Huang, D.A. Puleo, J. Schoop and I.S. Jawahir, “Improved Surface Integrity from Cryogenic Machining of Ti-6Al-7Nb Alloy for Biomedical Applications”, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 45, 2016, pp. 63-66.
- Hapuwatte, B., D. Seevers, F. Badurdeen and I.S. Jawahir, “Total Life Cycle Sustainability Analysis of Additively Manufactured Products”, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 48, 2016, pp. 376-381.
- Bradley, I.S. Jawahir, F. Badurdeen and K.E. Rouch, “A Framework for Material Selection in Multi-Generational Components: Sustainable Value Creation for a Circular Economy”, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 48, 2016, pp. 370-375.
- Bilge, P., G. Seliger, F. Badurdeen and I.S. Jawahir, “A Novel Framework for Achieving Sustainable Value Creation Through Industrial Engineering Principles”, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 40, 2016, pp. 516-523.
- Jawahir, I.S. and R. Bradley, “Technological Elements of Circular Economy and the Principles of 6R-Based Closed-loop Material Flow in Sustainable Manufacturing”, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 40, 2016, pp. 103-108.
- Busbaher, D., Schoop, J., Jawahir, I.S., Balk, T.J., “Observations on Cutting Edge Radius Effects in Cryogenic Machining of Porous Tungsten”, 16th IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2015; Beijing; China; 27 - 29 April 2015. DOI: 10. 1109/IVEC.2015.7223754.
- Jawahir, I.S., “Cryogenic Processing of Materials: Producing Engineered Surfaces for Enhanced Product Quality, Performance and Sustainability”, (Keynote Paper), 4th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology (ICAMT 2015), Johor Bahru, Malaysia, September 19-22, 2015.
- Badurdeen, F., J.R. Baker, K.E. Rouch, K.E. Goble, G.M. Swan, A. Brown and I.S. Jawahir, “Development of an Online Master's Degree Program in Manufacturing Systems Engineering”, Proc. 122nd ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Seattle, WA, USA, June 14-17, 2015, pp. 26.532.1 - 26.532.21.
- Huang, B., Y. Kaynak, Y. Sun, I.S. Jawahir, “Surface Layer Modification by Cryogenic Burnishing of Al 7050-T7451 Alloy and Validation with FEM-based Burnishing Model”, Procedia CIRP 31, 2015, pp. 1-6. (Presented at the 15th CIRP Conf. on Modeling of Machining Operations, Karlstruhe, Germany, June 11-12, 2015.
- Kaynak, Y., S. Manchiraju and I.S. Jawahir, “Modeling and Simulation of Machining-Induced Surface Integrity Characteristics of NiTi Alloy, Procedia CIRP 31, 2015, pp. 557-562. (Presented at the 15th CIRP Conf. on Modeling of Machining Operations, Karlstruhe, Germany, June 11-12, 2015).
- Sun, Y., B. Huang, D.A. Puleo and I.S. Jawahir, “Enhanced Machinability of Ti-5553 Alloy from Cryogenic Machining: Comparison with MQL and Flood-cooled Machining and Modeling”, Procedia CIRP 31, 2015, pp. 477-482 (Presented at the 15th CIRP Conf. on Modeling of Machining Operations, Karlstruhe, Germany, June 11-12, 2015).
- Bilge, P., F. Badurdeen and G. Seliger and I.S. Jawahir, “Design of Sustainable Value Creation for Production Systems through Principles of Industrial Engineering”, Proc. Int. Congress on Sustainability Science and Engineering (ICOSSE 2015), Balatonfured, Hungary, May 26-29, 2015.
- Lu, T. and I.S. Jawahir, “Metrics-based Sustainability Evaluation of Cryogenic Machining”, Procedia CIRP 29, 2015, pp. 520-525. (Presented at the 22nd CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Sydney, Australia, April 7-9, 2015).
- Huang, B., Y. Kaynak, C. Arvin and I.S. Jawahir, “Improved Surface Integrity from Cryogenic Machining of Al 7050-T7451 Alloy with Ultra-fine Grained Structure” (Keynote Paper), Presented at the Int. Conf. Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Dubai, UAE, November 2014.
- Jawahir, I. S., Y. Kaynak and T. Lu, “The Impact of Novel Material Processing Methods on Component Quality, Life and Performance” (Keynote Paper), 3rd International Through-life Engineering Services Conference, Cranfield, United Kingdom, November 4-5, 2014, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 22, 2014, pp. 33-44.
- Pusavec, F., C. Courbon, J. Rech, J. Kopac and I.S. Jawahir, “Importance of the Nitrogen Phase on the Cryogenic Machining Performance”, Proc. 2014 ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conf., MSEC2014-3992, June 2014, Detroit, MI.
- Karaca, H., Y. Kaynak and I.S. Jawahir, “Cryogenic and Dry Machining of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys”, Symposium on Shape Memory and Super-elastic Technologies, Pacific Grove, CA, May 13-16, 2014.
- Schoop, J., I.S. Jawahir, J. Balk and D. Busbasher, “High Performance Infiltrant-free Cryogenic Machining of 82% Density Porous Tungsten under Computer Numerical Control”, IEEE – Int. Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC 2014), Monterey, CA, April 22-24, 2014, Article number 6857543, pp. 167-168.
- Bilge, P., F. Badurdeen, G. Seliger and I.S. Jawahir, “Model-based Approach for Assessing Value Creation to Enhance Sustainability in Manufacturing”, Proc. 47th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, CMS 2014, Windsor, ON, Canada, April 28-30, 2014; Procedia CIRP, Vol. 17, 2014, pp. 106-111.
- Ambrosy, F. F. Zanger, V. Schulze and I.S. Jawahir, “An Experimental Study of Cryogenic Machining on Nanocrystalline Surface Layer Generation”, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 13, 2014, pp. 169-174.
- Caudill, J., B. Huang, C. Arvin, J. Schoop, K. Meyer and I.S. Jawahir, “Enhancing the Surface Integrity of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy through Cryogenic Burnishing”, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 13, 2014, pp. 243-248.
- Kaynak, Y., H. Karaca and I.S. Jawahir, “Surface Integrity Characteristics of Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloys Resulting from Dry and Cryogenic Machining”, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 13, 2014, pp. 393-398.
- Pu, Z., D. Umbrello, O.W. Dillon, Jr., and I.S. Jawahir, “Finite Element Simulation of Residual Stresses in Cryogenic Machining of AZ31B Mg Alloy”, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 13, 2014, pp. 282-287.
- Jawahir, I.S. and T. Lu, “Metrics-based Evaluation of Sustainable Manufacturing Processes” (Plenary Paper), Proc. 3rd International Chemnitz Colloquium on Manufacturing – Part 1, Chemnitz, April 8-9, 2014, Vol. 80, pp. 83-103.
- Jawahir, I.S., F. Badurdeen and K.E. Rouch, “Innovation in Sustainable Manufacturing Education”, Proc. 11th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM) (Ed: G. Seliger), Berlin, Germany, September 23-25, 2013, pp. 9-16, ISBN 978-3-7983-2609-5.
- Lu, T., O.W. Dillon, Jr., and I.S. Jawahir, “A Thermal Analysis Framework for Cryogenic Machining and its Contribution to Product and Process Sustainability”, Proc. 11th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM) (Ed: G. Seliger), Berlin, Germany, September 23-25, 2013, pp. 262-267.
- Shuaib, M., K.D. Seevers, T. Lu, F. Badurdeen and I.S. Jawahir, “Sustainability Evaluation using a Metrics-based Product Sustainability Index (ProdSI) Methodology – A Case Study of a Consumer Electronics Product”, Proc. 11th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM) (Ed: G. Seliger), Berlin, Germany, September 23-25, 2013.
- Zhang, X, F. Badurdeen, K. Rouch and I.S. Jawahir, “On Improving the Product Sustainability of Metallic Automotive Components by Using the Total Life-cycle Approach and 6R Methodology”, Proc. 11th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM) (Ed: G. Seliger), Berlin, Germany, September 23-25, 2013.
- Seevers, K.D., F. Badurdeen and I.S. Jawahir, “Sustainable Value Creation through Innovative Product Design”, Proc. 11th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM) (Ed: G. Seliger), Berlin, Germany, September 23-25, 2013.
- Kheireddine, A.H., H. Ammouri, T. Lu, I.S. Jawahir, R.F. Hamade, “An FEM Analysis with Experimental Validation to Study the Hardness of In-process Cryogenically Cooled Drilled Holes in Mg AZ31B Alloys”, 14th CIRP Conf. on Modeling of Machining Operations, Torino, Italy, June 2013 (Published in Procedia CIRP 8, pp. 588-593).
- Amundson, J., Brown, A., M. Shuaib, F. Badurdeen, I.S. Jawahir, T. Goldsby and D. Iyendar, “Bayesian Methodology for Supply Chain Risk Analysis: Concept and Case Studies”, Proc. IIE Annual Conference and Expo 2013, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 18-22, 2013, pp. 3944-3953.
- Kaynak, Y, H. Karaca and I.S. Jawahir, “Analysis of Tool-wear and Cutting Force Components in Dry, Preheated and Cryogenic Machining of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys”, 14th CIRP Conf. on Modeling of Machining Operations, Torino, Italy, June 2013 (Published in Procedia CIRP 8, pp. 498-503).
- Schoop, J., M. Effgen, T.J. Balk, I.S. Jawahir, “The Effects of Depth of Cut and Pre-cooling on Surface Porosity in Cryogenic Machining of Porous Tungsten”, Procedia CIRP, Vol. 8, 2013, pp. 357-362. (Also, presented at the 14th CIRP Conf. on Modeling of Machining Operations, Torino, Italy, June 2013).
- Pu, Z., D. Umbrello, D.A. Puleo, O.W. Dillon, Jr., and I.S. Jawahir, “Finite Element Modeling of Microstructural Changes in Dry and Cryogenic Machining AZ31B Magnesium Alloy for Enhanced Corrosion Resistance”, Proc. NAMRC, Vol. 41, 2013, pp. 358-367.
- Schoop, J., M. Effgen, T.J. Balk, I.S. Jawahir, “Improved Product Quality and Resource Efficiency in Porous Tungsten Machining for Dispenser Cathode Application by Elimination of the Infiltration Process”, Re-engineering Manufacturing for Sustainability (Eds: Andrew Y.C. Nee, Bin Song, Soh-Khim Ong), Springer Publishers, pp. 241-244 (Also, presented at the 20th CIRP Conf. on Life Cycle Engineering, Singapore, April 2013).
- Mohd Fahrul Hassan, Muhamad Zameri Mat Saman, Safian Sharif, Badrul Omar, X. Zhang, F. Badurdeen and I. S. Jawahir, “Selection of Product Design Configuration for Improved Sustainability using the Product Sustainability Index (ProdSI) Scoring Method”, Proc. International Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (ICME 2012), Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia, November 20-21, 2012.
- Lu, T., G. Rotella, F. Badurdeen, O. W. Dillon, Jr., K.E. Rouch, I. S. Jawahir, “A Metrics-based Sustainability Assessment for Different Coolant Applications in a Turning Process”, Proceedings of the 10th Global Conf. on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM 2012), Istanbul, Turkey, Oct. 30 – Nov. 2, 2012.
- Zhang, X., M. Shuaib, A. Huang, F. Badurdeen, K., Rouch, I. S. Jawahir, “Total Life-cycle Based Product Sustainability Improvement: End-of-life Strategy Analysis for Metallic Automotive Components”, Proceedings of the 10th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM 2012), Istanbul, Turkey, Oct. 30 – Nov. 2, 2012.
- Roy, U., Baysal, M.M., Sarigecili, M.I., Shuaib, M., Badurdeen, F., Jawahir, I.S., “Development of the Integrated Product Information Model for Product Sustainability Assessment”, Proceedings of the 10th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM 2012), Istanbul, Turkey, Oct. 30 – Nov. 2, 2012.
- Rotella, G., Lu, T., Settineri, L. and Jawahir, I.S., “Machining of AA7075 Aluminum Alloy: A Process Optimization for Sustainability”, Proceedings of the 10th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM 2012), Istanbul, Turkey, Oct. 30 – Nov. 2, 2012.
- Bilge, P., Badurdeen, F., Jawahir, I.S. and Seliger, G., “Integrated Sustainable Maintenance: A New Framework For Improved Manufacturing Efficiency And Productivity”, Proceedings of the 10th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM 2012), Istanbul, Turkey, Oct. 30 – Nov. 2, 2012.
- Kheireddine, A., Ammouri, A., Lu, T., Hamade, R. and Jawahir, I.S., “Experimental and FEM Analyses of the Effect of Liquid Nitrogen Cryogenic Cooling and other Processing parameters on the surface Hardness of Drilled Holes in AZ31B Magnesium”, Proceedings of the 10th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM 2012), Istanbul, Turkey, Oct. 30 – Nov. 2, 2012.
- Jawahir, I.S., Z. Pu, S. Yang, G. Rotella, Y. Kaynak, T. Lu, A. Deshpande, D. Umbrello, O.W. Dillon, Jr., “Cryogenic Processing of Materials for Enhanced Product Life, Performance and Sustainability”, Proc. 15th Int. Conf. on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT 2012), Wollongong, Australia, September 24-26, 2012.
- Effgen, M.P. and Jawahir, I.S., “An Investigation of Sustainable Machining Performance for Controlled Surface Quality Requirements in High Temperature and Refractory Alloys: Setting a New Direction for Machining Research and Development using Cryogenics (LIN)”, Proc. 2012 IEEE 13th International Vacuum Electronics Conference, IVEC 2012, art. no. 6262241, pp. 475-476.
- Huang, A. Y. Kaynak, D. Umbrello and I.S. Jawahir, “Cryogenic Machining of Hard-to-machine Material, AISI 52100: A Study of Chip Morphology and Comparison with Dry Machining”, Proc. 10th Asia – Pacific Conference on Materials Processing - Advanced Materials Research, Jinan, China, June 2012, Vol. 500, 2012, pp. 140-145.
- Deshpande, A., S. Yang, D. Puleo, D. Pienkowski, O.W. Dillon, Jr., J.C. Outeiro and I.S. Jawahir, “Minimized Wear and Debries Generation through Optimized Machining of Co-Cr-Mo Alloys for use in Metal-on-Metal Hip Implants”, 2012 ASME-MSEC (ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference), MSEC2012-7260, Notre Dame, IN, June 4-8, 2012.
- Rotella, G., L. Settineri, D. Umbrello, O.W. Dillon, Jr., and I.S. Jawahir, “Finite Element Modeling of Microstructural Changes in Turning of AA7075-T651 Alloy and Validation”, Trans. NAMRI, Vol. 40, 2012, pp. 481-490.
- Zhang, X., T. Lu, M. Shuaib, G. Rotella, A. Huang, S.C. Feng, K. Rouch, F. Badurdeen, I. S. Jawahir, “A Metrics-based Methodology for Establishing Product Sustainability Index (ProdSI) for Manufactured Products”, Proc. 19th Life Cycle Engineering Conference, Berkeley, CA, May 2012, In: Leveraging Technology for a Sustainable World, pp. 435-441.
- Pu, Z., Outeiro, J.C., A.C. Batista, O.W. Dillon, Jr. and I.S. Jawahir, “Surface Integrity in Dry and Cryogenic Machining of AZ31B Mg Alloy with Varying Cutting Edge Radius Tools”, Proc. 1st CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity, (CSI 2012), Bremen, Germany Jan. 30 – Feb. 1, 2012, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 19, 2011, pp. 282-287.
- Umbrello, D., Z. Pu, S. Caruso, J.C. Outeiro, A.D. Jayal, O.W. Dillon, Jr. and I.S. Jawahir, “The Effect of Cryogenic Cooling on Surface Integrity in Hard Machining”, Proc. 1st CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity, (CSI 2012), Bremen, Germany Jan. 30 – Feb. 1, 2012, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 19, 2011, pp. 371-376.
- Yang, S., D.A. Puleo, O.W. Dillon, Jr. and I.S. Jawahir, “Surface Layer Modifications in Co-Cr-Mo Biomedical Alloy from Cryogenic Machining”, Proc. 1st CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity, (CSI 2012), Bremen, Germany Jan. 30 – Feb. 1, 2012, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 19, 2011, pp. 383-388.
- Umbrello, D., S. Caruso, S. Yang, F. Crea, O.W. Dillon, Jr. and I.S. Jawahir, “The Effect of Cryogenic Cooling on White Layer Formation in Hard Machining”, 2011 ASME-IMECE Conference, Denver, Co., November 2011, IMECE2011-65208.
- Rotella, G., T. Lu, L. Settineri, O.W. Dillon, Jr., and I.S. Jawahir, “Dry and Cryogenic Machining: Comparison from the Sustainability Perspective”, Proc. 9th Global Conf. on Sustainable Manufacturing, Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 28-30, 2011, pp. 99-104.
- Lu, T., G. Rotella, S.C. Feng, F. Badurdeen, O.W. Dillon, Jr., KE. Rouch and I.S. Jawahir, “Metrics-based Assessment of a Drilling Process”, Proc. 9th Global Conf. on Sustainable Manufacturing, Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 28-30, 2011, pp. 66-71.
- Dassisti, M.,M. Chimienti, M. Shuaib, F. Badurdeen and I.S. Jawahir, “Sustainable Manufacturing: A Framework for Ontology Development”, Proc. 9th Global Conf. on Sustainable Manufacturing, Saint Petersburg, Russia, September 28-30, 2011, pp. 43-47.
- Jawahir, I.S., O.W. Dillon, Jr., D. Puleo, D. Umbrello, and J.C. Outeiro, “Sustainable Manufacturing Processes for Producing Biomedical Implants for Enhanced Product Performance and Life”, Keynote paper, Proc. 2nd UMIES Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 2011.
- Kaynak, Y. H. Karaca and I.S. Jawahir, “Cryogenic Machining of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys”, Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Design and Production of Machines and Dies/Molds, Ankara, Turkey, June 23-26, 2011.
- Haapala, K. F. Zhao, J. Camello, J.W. Sutherland, S.J. Skerlos, D.A. Dornfeld, I.S. Jawahir, H.C. Zhang, A.F. Clarens, “A Review of Engineering Research in Sustainable Manufacturing”, Proc. ASME-MSEC Conf. MSEC2011-50300, Corvallis, OR, June 2011.
- Badurdeen, F., M. Shuaib, H. Metta, C. Stovall, I.S. Jawahir and T.J. Goldsby, “An Ontology-based Approach to Develop Sustainable Manufacturing Metrics for Supply Chain Evaluation”, Proc. NAMRI/SME, Corvallis, OR, June 2011, Vol. 39, 2011.
- Jawahir, I.S., O.W. Dillon, Jr., A.D. Jayal, D, Umbrello, R. M’Saoubi, J.C. Outeiro, “Progress Towards Predictive Modeling of Sustainable Machining”, Keynote paper, 13th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations, Sintra, Portugal, May 11-13, 2011.
- Pu, Z., S. Caruso, D. Umbrello, O.W. Dillon, Jr., D. Puleo and I.S. Jawahir, “Analysis of Surface Integrity in Dry and Cryogenic Machining of AZ31B Mg Alloys”, Proc. 13th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations, Sintra, Portugal, May 11-13, 2011. (Also, in Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 223, 2011, pp. 439-448.)
- Caruso, D., S. Di Renzo, D. Umbrello, O.W. Dillon, Jr., A.D. Jayal and I.S. Jawahir, “Finite Element Modeling of Microstructural Changes in Hard Turning”, Proc. 13th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations, Sintra, Portugal, May 11-13, 2011. (Also, in Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 223, 2011, pp. 960-968.)
- Jawahir, I.S., O.W. Dillon, Jr., K.E. Rouch and A.D. Jayal, “Implementing Sustainable Manufacturing for Innovation at Product, Process and System Levels”, Keynote paper, Proc. IEEE-ISAM Conference, Tampere, Finland, May 25-27, 2011.
- Gupta, A., A.D. Jayal, M. Chimienti and I.S. Jawahir, “A Total Life-cycle Approach Towards Developing Product Metrics for Sustainable Manufacturing”, Proc. 18th CIRP Con. on Life Cycle Engineering, Braunschweig, Germany, May 2011, pp. 240-245.
- Umbrello, D., S. Caruso, S. Di Renzo, A.D. Jayal, O.W. Dillon, Jr., I.S. Jawahir, Dry vs. Cryogenic Orthogonal Hard Machining: An Experimental Investigation, AIP Conference Proceedings - 14th ESAFORM Conference, Belfast, (United Kingdom), 27-29 April 2011, pp. 627-632.
- Pu, Z., D. A. Puleo, O.W. Dillon, Jr., I.S. Jawahir, “Controlling the Biodegradation Rate of Magnesium-based Implants through Surface Nanocrystallization Induced by Cryogenic Machining”, Proceeding of Magnesium Technology 2011, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011, pp. 635-642
- Pu, Z., Song, G.-L., Yang, S., Dillon, O. W., Jr., Puleo, D. A., and Jawahir, I. S., "Cryogenic Burnishing of AZ31B Mg Alloy for Enhanced Corrosion Resistance, "TMS Proc. Magnesium Technology 2011, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., San Diego, California, March 2011.
- Badurdeen, F., H. Metta, A. Gupta, C. Stovall, M. Shuaib, T. J. Goldsby and I. S. Jawahir, “System Level Metrics for Sustainable Manufacturing”, 2nd International Congress on Sustainability Science and Engineering (ICOSSE), Tucson, AZ, January 9-11, 2011.
- Lu, T., A. Gupta, A. D. Jayal, F. Badurdeen, S.C. Feng, O. W. Dillon, Jr., I. S. Jawahir, “A Framework of Product and Process Metrics for Sustainable Manufacturing”, Proc. 8th Global Conf. on Sustainable Manufacturing, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 22-24, 2010.
- Shuaib, M., H. Metta, F. Badurdeen, I.S. Jawahir and T. Goldsby, “Methodologies for Design and Performance Evaluation in Sustainable Supply Chains”, Proc. 8th Global Conf. on Sustainable Manufacturing, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 22-24, 2010.
- Jawahir, I.S. and Jayal, A.D., “Product and Process Innovation for Modeling of Sustainable Machining Processes”, Keynote Paper, Proc. 8th Global Conf. on Sustainable Manufacturing, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 22-24, 2010.
- Yang, S., Z. Pu, D. A. Puleo, O. W. Dillon, Jr., I. S. Jawahir, “Cryogenic Processing of Biomaterials for Improved Surface Integrity and Product Sustainability”, Proc. 8th Global Conf. on Sustainable Manufacturing, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 22-24, 2010.
- Pu, Z., O.W. Dillon, Jr., I.S. Jawahir and D.A. Puleo, “Microstructural Changes of AZ31 Magnesium Alloys Induced by Cryogenic Machining and its Influence on Corrosion Resistance in Simulated Body Fluid for Biomedical Applications”, Proceedings of the 2010 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, Erie, Pennsylvania, USA. October 12-15, 2010, pp. 271-277.
- Hamade, R.F., S.P. Manthri, F. Pusavec, K.A. Zackny, L.A. Yaylor, O.W. Dillon, Jr.,and I.S. Jawahir, “Developing a Methodology towards Sustainable PCD Compact Core Drilling on Planet Mars”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) Proceedings, Vol. 8, 2010, pp. 55-60.
- Hamade, R.F. and I.S. Jawahir, “Core Drilling Versus Chisel Drilling with an Eye Towards Sustainability”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE) Proceedings, Vol. 8, 2010, pp. 61-66.
- Jawahir, I.S., “Technological Challenges for Sustainable Machining: Developing Predictive Models and Optimization Techniques for Dry, Near-dry (MQL) and Cryogenic Machining Operation”, (Keynote Paper), Proc. Advances in Materials Processing Technologies (AMPT)”, (Keynote Paper), Paris, France, October 24-27, 2010.
- Badurdeen, F., K. Wijekoon, M. Shuaib, T. J. Goldsby, D. Iyengar and I.S. Jawahir, “Integrated Modeling to Enhance Resilience in Sustainable Supply Chains”, Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Toronto, Canada, August 21-23, 2010.
- Jawahir, I.S., “Developing Next Generation Products and Processes using Innovative Sustainable Manufacturing Principles”, Keynote Paper, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Sustainability and Environmental Protection (SEEP), Bari, Italy, June 29 – July 2, 2010.
- Badurdeen, F., M. Shuaib and Jawahir, I.S., “Ontology Development for a Systems Approach to Sustainable Supply Chains”, Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Sustainability and Environmental Protection (SEEP), Bari, Italy, June 29 – July 2, 2010.
- Jayal, A.D. and I.S. Jawahir, “Analytical and Computational Challenges for Developing Predictive Models and Optimization Strategies for Sustainable Machining”, Proc.7th CIRP International Conf. on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (ICME 2010), June 23-15, 2010, Capri, Italy.
- Pusavec, F., H. Hamdi, J. Kopac and I.S. Jawahir, ”Analysis of Residual Stresses in Sustainable Cryogenic Machining of Nickel-based Alloy – Inconel 718”, Proc. 4th CIRP Int. Conf. on High Performance Cutting, June 2010.
- Badurdeen, F., K. Wijekoon, M. Shuab, T.J. Goldsby, T.J., D. Iyengar and I.S. Jawahir, “Integrated Modeling to Enhance Resilience in Supply Chains”, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, CASE 2010 , Toronto, Canada, pp. 130-135.
- Kaynak, Y., Karaca, H., Jawahir, I.S., “Sustainability evaluation in machining of NiTi shape memory alloys”, 1st International Conference on Sustainable Life in Manufacturing (SLIM 2010), 24-25 June, Egirdir, Isparta, Turkey.
- Jawahir, I.S., Dillon, O.W., Jr., and A.D. Jayal, “Towards Innovative Sustainable Machining Processes for Improved Product performance and Engineered Surface Integrity”, 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Materials Processing, Sydney, Australia, June 7-10, 2010.
- Gupta, A., R. Vangari, A.D. Jayal and I.S. Jawahir, “Priority Evaluation of Product Metrics for Sustainable Manufacturing”, Proc. 20th CIRP Design Conference, Nantes, France, April 19-21, 2010.
- Pu, Z., Puleo, D.A., Dillon, O.W. (Jr.) and Jawahir, I.S., Controlling the Biodegradation Rate of Magnesium-based Implants through Surface Nanocrystallization induced by Cryogenic Machining, Proceeding of Magnesium Technology 2010, TMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. February 14-18, 2010.
- Jawahir, I.S., F. Badurdeen, A. Gupta and A.D. Jayal, “Towards Developing Metrics for Sustainable Manufacturing”, Proc. 7th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, Chennai, India, December 2009, pp. 27-37.
- Jayal, A.D. A.K. Balaji, O.W. Dillon, Jr. and I.S. Jawahir, “On the Design Considerations for Cutting Tools for Sustainable Machining”, Proc. 7th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, Chennai, India, December 2009, pp. 367-372.
- Granados, S., I.S. Jawahir and J. Fernandes, “A Comprehensive Criterion for Sustainability Evaluation of Machining Processes”, Proc. 7th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, Chennai, India, December 2009, pp. 385-391.
- Iyengar, D., T. Goldsby, F. Badurdeen, I.S. Jawahir, H. Metta, C. Stoval and K. Wijekoon, “Sustainable Supply Chains: A Framework for Implementation and Performance Measurement”, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Value Chain Sustainability, Louisville, KY, USA, October 19-22, 2009.
- Badurdeen, F., A.D. Jayal, and I.S. Jawahir, “Towards a Systems Approach for Developing Sustainable Products from Sustainable Manufacturing", Proc. Indo-US Workshop on Designing Sustainable Products, Services and Manufacturing Systems, Bangalore, India, August 2009, pp. 159-170.
- D. Iyengar, F. Badurdeen, T. J. Goldsby, A.D. Jayal and I.S. Jawahir, “Sustainable Supply Chain Operations in Manufacturing: A Closed-Loop Supply Chain Approach”, presented at the 5th Annual IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Bangalore, India, August 22-25, 2009.
- Badurdeen, F., A.D. Jayal and I.S. Jawahir, Iyengar, D., T.J. Goldsby, F. Badurdeen, I.S. Jawahir, I.S., H. Metta, K. Wijekoon, and C. Stovall, Sustainable Supply Chains: A Framework for Implementation, First International Congress on Sustainability Science and Engineering (ICOSSE), August, 2009, Cincinnati, OH, USA.
- Jayal, A.D., F. Badurdeen, O.W. Dillon, Jr., and I.S. Jawahir, “New Challenges for Sustainable Manufacturing: Modeling Issues at the Product, Process and Systems Levels”, (Keynote paper) Proc. 42nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Grenoble, France, June 2009.
- Umbrello, D., A.D. Jayal, S. Caruso, O.W. Dillon, Jr., and I.S. Jawahir, ”Modeling of White and Dark Layers Formation in Orthogonal Machining of hardened AISI 52100 Steel”, Proc. 12th CIRP International Conf. on Modeling of Machining Operations, Vol. 2, San Sebastian, Spain, May 2009, pp. 655- 662.
- Badurdeen, F., Goldsby, T.J., Metta, H., Gupta, S. and Jawahir, I.S., Sustainable Supply Chain Operations: A New Framework for Implementation, Defense Manufacturing Conference, Orlando, FL, USA, Dec. 1-4, 2008.
- Jawahir, I.S., A.D. Jayal, O.W. Dillon, Jr., and A.K.Balaji, ”Sustainable Manufacturing: New Challenges for Predictive Modeling and Optimization of Dry, Near-dry and Cryogenic Machining Operations”, Proc. 2nd Int. and 23rd All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference, IIT, Chennai, India, December 2008, Vol. 1, pp. 57-68.
- Jayal, A.D., A.K. Balaji, O.W. Dillon, Jr., and I.S. Jawahir, ”On the Tribological Effects of Cutting Tool Surface Texture in Metal machining under Dry Cutting Conditions”, Proc. 2nd Int. and 23rd All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference, IIT, Chennai, India, December 2008, Vol. 1, pp. 341-347.
- Pusavec, F., A. Deshpande, J. Tartar, M. Effgen, O.W. Dillon,Jr., J. Kopac and I.S. Jawahir, ”Optimization of Machining Performance in Finish Turning of Porous Tungsten under Cryogenic Conditions, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. On Innovative Cutting and Smart Machining (INTERCUT 2008), Cluny, France, October 2008, CD-ROM.
- Pusavec, F., A. Deshpande, R.M’Saoubi, J. Kopac, O.W. Dillon, Jr., and I.S. Jawahir, ”Modeling and Optimization of Machining of High Temperature Nickel Alloy for Improved Machining Performance and Enhanced Sustainability”, Proc. 11th CIRP International Conf. on Modeling of Machining Operations, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, September 2008, pp. 21-28.
- Umbrello, D., S. Rizzuti, L. Filice, F. Micari and I.S. Jawahir, ”Finite Element Analysis of White Layer Formation during Machining of Hardened AISI 52100 Steel”, Proc. 11th CIRP International Conf. on Modeling of Machining Operations, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, September 2008, pp. 191-198.
- Chen, S., and I.S. Jawahir, ”The Influence of Cutting Edge Radius on Surface Integrity and Size Effects in Dry Turning of Automotive Aluminum Alloy A356 with Diamond Tools”, Proc. 11th CIRP International Conf. on Modeling of Machining Operations, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, September 2008, pp. 247-254.
- Jawahir, I.S., ”Beyond 3Rs: 6R Concepts for Next Generation Manufacturing – Recent Trends and Case Studies”, Proc. Symposium on Sustainability and Product Development, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, USA, August 2008.
- Hamade, R.F, S. P. Manthri, O. W. Dillon, Jr., K. Rouch, I. S. Jawahir, K. A. Zacny, L. A. Taylor, F. Pusavec, ”Modeling and Optimization of PCD Compact Core Drilling of Basalt Rock", Proc. 6th CIRP International Conf. on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (ICME 2008), July 2008, Naples, Italy, pp. 311-315.
- Deshpande, A. Venkatachalam, K. Joshi, S. Chen, B. Young, R. Alloo and I.S. Jawahir, ”Maximizing Tool-life in Powder Metal Valve Seat Machining through Performance-based Tool Geometry Optimization”, Proc. 3rd CIRP Int. Conf. on High Performance Cutting - Micromachining, Dublin, Ireland, June 2008, pp. 499-508.
- Pusavec, F., A. Deshpande, R. Ghosh, R.M. Saoubi, J. Kopac, O.W. Dillon, Jr. and I.S. Jawahir, ”Predictive Performance Models and Optimization for Sustainable Machining of High Temperature Nickel Alloy”, Proc. 3rd CIRP Int. Conf. on High Performance Cutting - Micromachining, Dublin, Ireland, June 2008, pp. 355-364.
- Outeiro, J.C., R. Kandibanda, J.C. Pina, O.W. Dillon, Jr., and I.S. Jawahir, “Size Effects in Machining and their Influence on Product Sustainability”, Proc. 15th Life Cycle Engineering Conference (LCE-2008), Sydney, Australia, March 2008, pp. 658-663.
- Manthri, S., F. Pusavec, K.A. Zacny, L.A. Taylor, O.W. Dillon Jr. and I.S. Jawahir, “Experimental Investigation of Drilling Performance of PCD Compact Core Drills on Basalt Simulating Sustainable Dry Drilling on Mars”, Proc. Earth and Space Conference, Long Beach, CA, March 3-5, 2008, CD-ROM.
- Dillon, O.W., Jr., K.C. Ee, J.C. Outeiro and I.S. Jawahir, “Residual Stresses Created During the Machining of AISI 316L Steel”, 2008 Int. Symposium on Plasticity, Kailua/Kona, Hawaii, January 2008, CD-ROM.
- Ungureanu, C.A., S. Das and I.S. Jawahir, “Development of a Sustainability Scoring Method for Manufactured Automotive Products: A Case Study of Autobody Panels”, Proc. ASME-IMECE (American Society of Mechanical Engineers-International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition), Seattle, WA, November 2007, CD-ROM.
- Outeiro, J.C., J.C. Pina, O.W. Dillon, Jr., and I.S. Jawahir, “On Designing for Enhanced Product Sustainability by Considering the Induced Residual Stresses in Machining”, Proc. ASME-IMECE (American Society of Mechanical Engineers-International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition), Seattle, WA, November 2007, CD-ROM.
- Jawahir, I.S. and O.W. Dillon, “Sustainable Manufacturing Processes: New Challenges for Developing Predictive Models and Optimization Techniques”, (Keynote Paper), Proc. 1st International Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (SM1), Montreal, Canada, October 18-19, 2007, pp. 1-19.
- Stovall, C., H. Metta, M. Williams, M. Effgen, and I.S. Jawahir; “Optimized Pellet Geometry for Sustainable Manufacturing of Porous Tungsten Products”, Proc. 5th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM), Sustainable Manufacturing V, Rochester, NY, September 2007, CD ROM.
- Deshpande, A., A. Venkatachalam, K. Joshi and I.S. Jawahir; “Sustainability Evaluation in Powder Metal Machining”, Proc. 5th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM), Sustainable Manufacturing V, Rochester, NY, September 2007, CD ROM.
- Outeiro, J.C., J.C.Pina and I.S. Jawahir, ”Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Residual Stresses Produced in Three-dimensional Machining Processes”, Proc. 10th CIRP International Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations, Reggio Calabria, Italy, August 28-29, 2007, pp. 475-481.
- Ungureanu, C., S. Das and I.S. Jawahir, “Life-cycle Cost Analysis: Aluminum Versus Steel in Passenger Cars”, Proc. TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society) Conf., ASM, Orlando, FL, February 2007, CD-ROM.
- Outeiro, J.C., A.M. Dias, O.W. Dillon, Jr., and I.S. Jawahir, “Improved Product Sustainability through Modeling and Control of Residual Stresses and Surface Roughness Induced in Machining Operations”, Proc. RPD – Building the Future by Innovation, Portugal, November 2006.
- Joshi, K., A. Venkatachalam and I.S. Jawahir, “A New Methodology for Transforming 3R Concept into 6R Concept for Improved Product Sustainability”, Proc. IV Global Conference on Sustainable Product Development and Life Cycle Engineering, São Carlos, Brazil, October 3 - 6, 2006, CD-ROM.
- Jawahir, I.S., K.E. Rouch, O.W. Dillon, Jr., K.J. Joshi, A. Venkatachalam and I.H. Jaafar, “Total Life-cycle Considerations in Product Design for Manufacture: A Framework for Comprehensive Evaluation”, (Keynote Paper), Proc. TMT 2006, Lloret de Mar, Barcelona, Spain, September 2006, pp. 1-10.
- Jawahir, I.S., O.W. Dillon, Jr., S. Chen, I.H. Jaafar, A. Deshpande, R. Ghosh, A.K. Balaji, P.C. Wanigarathne, “Sustainable Machining: New Challenges in Developing Predictive Models for Dry, Near-dry and Cryogenic Machining”, (Keynote Paper), Proc. Int. Conf. on Manufacturing Science and Technology (ICOMAST), Melaka, Malaysia, August 2006, pp. 13-22.
- Jawahir, I.S. and X. Wang, “Recent Advances in Plasticity Applications in Metal Machining: Slip-line Models for Machining with Rounded Cutting Edge Restricted Contact Grooved Tools”, (Keynote Paper), Int. Conf. on Advances in Materials Processing Technologies, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 31 – Aug. 3, 2006.
- Dillon, O.W., K.C. Ee, P.C. Wanigarathne, I.S. Jawahir and J.C. Outeiro, “Residual Stresses Generated in Orthogonal Machining”, Proceedings of PLASTICITY ’06: 12th International Symposium on Plasticity and its Current Applications, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, July 2006.
- N. de Silva, I. S. Jawahir, O.W. Dillon, Jr. and M. Russell, “A New Comprehensive Methodology for the Evaluation of Product Sustainability at the Design and Development Stage of Consumer Electronic Products”, Proc. 13th CIRP Int. Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, June 2006, pp. 335-340.
- Deshpande, A., S. Chen, A. Kardekar, M. Hagiwara, N. De Silva, B. Young and I.S. Jawahir, ”Maximizing Drill Life in Deep Oil Hole Drilling of Crank Shafts through Drill Geometry Optimization”, Proc. 2nd CIRP Int. Conf. on High Performance Cutting (HPC), Vancouver, Canada, June 2006, pp. xxx-xxx.
- Outeiro, J.C., K.C. Ee, O.W. Dillon, Jr., P.C. Wanigarathne and I.S. Jawahir, “Some Observations on Comparing the Modelled and Measured Residual Stresses on the Machined Surface Induced by Orthogonal Cutting of AISI 316L Steel”, Proc. 9th CIRP International Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations, Bled, Slovenia, May 11-12, 2006, pp. 475-481.
- Dillon, O.W., Jr., K.C. Ee, P.C. Wanigarathne, I.S. Jawahir and J.C. Outeiro, “Temperatures and Residual Stresses in Orthogonal Machining”, Proc. 9th International Conference on Material Forming ESAFORM, Glasgow, United Kingdom, April 26-28, 2006, pp. 603-606.
- Liew, J., O.W. Dillon, Jr., K.E. Rouch, S. Das and I.S. Jawahir, “Innovative Product Design Concepts and a New Methodology for Sustainability Enhancement in Aluminum Beverage Cans”, Proc. 4th International Conference on Design and Manufacture for Sustainable Development, New Castle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom, July 2005.
- Jawahir, I.S., K.E. Rouch, O.W. Dillon, Jr., L. Holloway, A. Hall and J. Knuf, “Design for Sustainability (DFS): New Challenges in Developing and Implementing a Curriculum for Next Generation Design and Manufacturing Engineers”, Proc. CIRP Int. Manufacturing Engineering Education Conference and 3rd SME Int. Conference on Manufacturing Engineering Education, Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, CA, June 2005, pp. 59-71.
- Wanigarathne, K.C. Ee, G. Poulachon, O.W. Dillon, Jr., G. Poulachon and I.S. Jawahir, “The Effects of Tool Coatings and Flood Cooling on the Thermal Field Developed in Orthogonal Machining: Finite Element Modeling and Metallurgical Analysis”, Proc. 8th CIRP Int. Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations, Chemnitz, Germany, May 2005, pp. 415-422.
- Wanigarathne, P.C., A.D. Kardekar, O. W. Dillon, Jr., G. Poulachon and I. S. Jawahir, “Progressive Tool-wear in Machining with Coated Grooved Tools and Its Correlation with Cutting Temperature”, Proc. 15th Int. Conf. on Wear of Materials (WOM), San Diego, CA, April 2005.
- Head, D., S. Chen, M. Effgen and I.S. Jawahir, “Prediction of Sustained Surface Quality in Contour Face Turning of Porous Tungsten with Diamond Cutting Tools”, Proc. Int. Conference on Hard Materials, Puerto Rico, November 2004, CD-ROM.
- Wanigarathne, P.C., J. Liew, X. Wang, O. W. Dillon, Jr. and I. S. Jawahir, “Assessment of Process Sustainability for Product Manufacture in Machining Operations”, Proc. Global Conf. on Sustainable Product Development and Life Cycle Engineering, Berlin, Germany, September 2004, pp. 305-312.
- Jawahir, I.S. and P.C. Wanigarathne, “New Challenges in Developing Science-based Sustainability Principles for Next Generation Product Design and Manufacture”, (Keynote Paper), Proc. TMT 2004, Neum, B & H, September 2004, pp. 1-10.
- Wang, X., A. Kardekar and I.S. Jawahir, “Performance-based Optimization of Face Milling Operations using Genetic Algorithms”, Proc. 4th CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (ICME 2004), July 2004, Sorrento, Italy, pp. 371-376.
- Ee, K.C., O.W. Dillon, Jr. and I.S. Jawahir, “A Discussion of the Implications of Different Boundary Conditions in Finite Element Modeling of Machining Process”, Proc. NUMIFORM, Columbus, OH, July 2004.
- Jawahir, I.S. and X. Wang, “Development of Hybrid Predictive Models and Optimization Techniques for Machining Operations”, (Keynote Paper), Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Advanced Manufacturing Technology (ICAMT 2004), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2004, pp. K18-K32.
- Ee, K.C., O.W. Dillon, Jr. and I.S. Jawahir, “An Analysis of the Effects of Chip-groove Geometry on Residual Stress Formation in Machining using Finite Element Methods”, Proc. 7th CIRP Int. Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations, ENSAM, Cluny, France, May 2004, pp. 267-274.
- Wanigarathne, P., D. Troutman, A.D. Kardekar, K.C. Ee, G. Poulachon, O.W. Dillon, Jr. and I.S. Jawahir, “An Experimental Study of Cutting Temperatures and Progressive Tool-wear in Orthogonal Machining with Grooved Tools”, Proc. 7th CIRP Int. Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations, ENSAM, Cluny, France, May 2004, pp. 179-188.
- Chen, S., D. Head, M. Effgen and I.S. Jawahir, “An Investigation of Machining Performance for Controlled Surface Quality Requirements in Porous Tungsten”, Proc. 5th IEEE Int. Conf. on Vacuum Electronics, Monterey, CA, April 2004, pp. 358-359.
- Balaji, A.K. and I.S. Jawahir, “Variable Tool-Chip Contact and Chip Morphology in Machining with Grooved Tools: A Tribological Perspective”, Proc. Tribology in Environmental Design (TED 2003), Bournemouth, United Kingdom, Sept. 2003, pp. 311-323.
- Wanigarathne, P.C., K.C. Ee and I.S. Jawahir, “Near-Dry Machining for Environmentally Benign Manufacturing: A Comparison of Machining Performance with Flood Cooling and Dry Machining, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Design and Manufacture for Sustainable Development, Cambridge, United Kingdom, September 2003, pp. 39-48.
- Ee, K.C., O.W. Dillon, Jr. and I.S. Jawahir, “Finite Element Modeling of Residual Stresses in Machining Induced by Cutting Tool with a Finite Edge Radius”, Proc. 6th CIRP Int. Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, May 2003, pp. 101-112.
- M.S. Fofana, K.C. Ee and I.S. Jawahir, “Machining Stability in Turning Operations when Cutting with a Progressively Worn Tool Insert”, Proc. 14th Int. Conf. on Wear of Materials (WOM), Washington, DC, March 2003.
- Ee, K.C., A.K. Balaji and I.S. Jawahir, “Progressive Tool-wear Mechanisms and their Effects on Chip Curl/Chip-form in Machining with Grooved Tools: An Extended Application of the Equivalent Toolface (ET) Model”, Proc. 14th Int. Conf. on Wear of Materials (WOM), Washington, DC, March 2003.
- Wang, X. and I.S. Jawahir, “Prediction of Tool-Chip Interface Friction and the Chip-groove Effects in Machining with Restricted Contact Grooved Tools Using the Universal Slip-line Model”, Proc. 6th Asia – Pacific Symposium on Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications, Sydney, Australia, December 2002, Vol. 2, pp. 469-476.
- Cao, Q., K.C. Ee, O.W. Dillon, Jr. and I.S. Jawahir, “A Finite Element Analysis of Void Evolution in 2-D Machining”, Proc. ASME Symp. on Advances in Damage Mechanics: Constitutive Modeling of Damage Mechanics, IMECE 2002, New Orleans, LA, November 2002, CD-ROM.
- Poulachon, G., I.S. Jawahir, P. Jacquet, S. Pheulpin and E. Seguin,“Effect of Work Material Microstructure on the PCBN Tool-wear in Hard Turning”, Proc.5th Int. Conf. on the Behavior of Materials in Machining, Chester, United Kingdom, November 2002, pp. 13-16.
- Poulachon, G., A. Moisan and I.S. Jawahir, “ Microstructure and Properties in Machining of 100Cr6 Steels”, Materials 2002 Int. Conference, Palais des Congres, le Vinci, Tours, October 2002.
- Wang, X. and I.S. Jawahir, “Web-Based Optimization of Milling Operations for the Selection of Cutting Conditions and Cutting Tools Using Genetic Algorithms”, Proc. 3rd CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (ICME 2002), Ischia, Italy, July 2002, pp. 237-242.
- Jawahir, I.S., S. Chen, D. Troutman, B. Allison and G. Poulachon, “Dry Machining of Cast Aluminum Wheels: Innovative Cutting Tool Design for Improved Machining Performance and Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing”, Proc. 1st Int. Conf. On Design for Manufacture and Sustainable Development, Liverpool, United Kingdom, June 2002, pp. 219-238.
- Poulachon, G., I.S. Jawahir, P. Jacquet, S. Pheulpin and E. Seguin, “PCBN Tool-wear in Hard Turning of Various Work Materials”, Proc. Int. Conf. on Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering, IFMA, Clermont-Ferrand, France, May 2002, Kluwer Publishers, 2002, pp. 231-240.
- Poulachon, G., A. Moisan and I.S. Jawahir, “Evaluation of Chip Morphology in Hard Turning Using Constitutive Models and Material Property Data”, Proc. ASME Symposium on Fundamental Issues in Machining, IMECE 2001, New York, USA, November 2001, CD-ROM.
- Wang, X., A.K. Balaji and I.S. Jawahir, “Optimization of Multi-pass Turning Operations Using Genetic Algorithms for the Selection of Cutting Conditions and Cutting Tools with Tool-wear Effect”, Proc. 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International Conference, Vancouver, Canada, July 2001, Vol. 5, pp. 3193-3200.
- Rossi, F., E. Sermet, G. Poulachon, O.W. Dillon, K. Saito and I.S. Jawahir, “Numerical and Experimental Studies on Temperature Distribution in Machining with Flat-faced and Grooved Tools”, Proc. ESAFORM, Univ. of Leige, Belgium, April 2001, pp. 615-618.
- Poulachon, G., A. Moisan and I.S. Jawahir, “Tool-wear Mechanisms in Hard Turning with Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride Tools”, Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on Wear of Materials, Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 2001, CD-ROM.
- Poulachon, G., D. Dessoly, C. Le Calvez, J.L. Lebrun, V. Prunet and I.S. Jawahir, “An Investigation of the Influence of Sulphide Inclusions on Tool-wear in High Speed Milling of Tool Steels”, Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on Wear of Materials, Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 2001, CD-ROM.
- Fang, N. and I.S. Jawahir, “Prediction of Chip Back-flow Angle in Machining with Restricted Contact Grooved Tools”, Proc. ASME, (IMEC 2000), MED Vol. 11, 2000, pp. 891-898.
- Jawahir, I.S. and A.K. Balaji, “Predictive Modeling and Optimization of Turning Operations with Complex Grooved Tools for Curled Chip Formation and Chip Breaking”, Proc. 3rd CIRP Int. Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations, Sydney, Australia, August 2000, pp. 41-59.
- Jawahir, I.S., A.K. Balaji, K.E. Rouch and J.E. Baker, “Towards Integration of Hybrid Models for Optimized Machining Performance in Intelligent Machining Systems”, Proc. Int. Manufacturing Conf. in China (IMCC 2000), Hong Kong, August 2000, CD-ROM.
- Balaji, A.K. and I.S. Jawahir, “Contour Turning of Aluminum Alloys with PCD Flat-faced Diamond Coated Grooved Tools”, Proc. 2nd International Seminar on Improving Machine Tool Performance, La Baule, France, July 2000, Paper C-17, CD-ROM.
- Wang, X., Z.J. Da, A.K. Balaji and I.S. Jawahir, “Performance-Based Optimal Selection of Cutting Conditions and Cutting Tools in Multi-Pass Turning Operations Using Genetic Algorithms”, Proc. 2nd CIRP International Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (ICME 2000), Capri, Italy, June 2000, pp. 409-414.
- Balaji, A.K. and I.S. Jawahir, “Variable Tool-Chip Interfacial Friction in 2-D and 3-D Machining Operations”, Proc. International Workshop on Friction and Flow Stress in Cutting and Forming, ENSAM, Paris, France, January 2000, pp. 91-100.
- Balaji, A.K. and I.S. Jawahir, “The Effect of Cutting Parameters on Chip Side-curl Mechanisms and Variable Tool-Chip Contact in Turning”, Proc. ASME Symposium, Nashville, TN, MED-Vol. 10, Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 1999, pp. 311-318.
- Redetzky, M., A.K. Balaji and I.S. Jawahir, “Predictive Modeling of Cutting Forces and Chip Flow in Machining with Nose Radius Tools”, Proc. 2nd CIRP Int. Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations, Nantes, France, January 1999, pp. 160-180.
- Lin, M., Z.J. Da and I.S. Jawahir, “Development and Implementation of Rule-Base Algorithms in CAPP Systems for Predicting Chip Breakability in Machining”, Proc. CIRP Int. Seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering, (Editor: R. Teti), Capri, Italy, July 1998, pp. 517-522.
- Da, Z.J. and I.S. Jawahir, “Optimal Chip Control in Turning Operations”, Proc. Int. Seminar on Improving Machine Tool Performance, San Sebastian, Spain, July 1998, pp. 607-620.
- Jawahir, I.S., O.W. Dillon, A.K. Balaji, M. Redetzky and N. Fang, “Predictive Modeling of Machining Performance in Turning Operations”, Proc. CIRP Int. Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations, Atlanta, GA, May 1998, pp. 161-176.
- Jawahir, I.S., A.K. Balaji, R. Stevenson and C.A. van Luttervelt, “Towards Predictive Modeling and Optimization of Machining Operations”, Proc. ASME Symposium, MED-Vol. 6-2 (Volume 2), Dallas, TX, November 1997, pp. 3-12.
- Li, P.X., D. Stein, R. Ghosh and I.S. Jawahir, “Engaged Cutting Edge Effects on Tool-wear and Tool-life in Turning Operations Using Grooved Cutting Tools”, Proc. ASME Symposium, MED-Vol. 6(2), Dallas, TX, November 1997, pp. 277-284.
- Da, Z.J., M. Lin, R. Ghosh and I.S. Jawahir, “Development of an Intelligent Technique for Predictive Assessment of Chip Breaking in Computer-aided Process Planning of Machining Operations”, Proc. Int. Manufacturing and Materials Processing (IMMP), Gold Coast, Australia, July 1997, pp. 1311-1320.
- Da, Z. and I.S. Jawahir, “Computer-aided Optimization of Turning Operations for Varying
- Tool-wear States”, Proc. Int. CAD/CAM Seminar, Bandung, Indonesia, July 1997, pp. B16.1-16.15.
- Ghosh, R., M. Redetzky, A.K. Balaji and I.S. Jawahir, “The Equivalent Toolface (ET) Approach for Modeling Chip Curl in Machining with Grooved Tools”, Proc. Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers/SCGM, Hamilton, ON, Canada, May 1996, pp. 702-711.
- Da, Z.J., J.P. Sadler and I.S. Jawahir, “Multiple Criteria Optimization of Finish Turning Operations Based on a Hybrid Model”, Proc. ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers in Engineering Conference, Paper No. 96-DETC/DAC-1105, Irvine, CA, August 1996.
- Wang, L., K. Saito and I.S. Jawahir, “Detection of Chip Boundaries of Infrared Measurements in Metal Machining Using Image Processing Techniques”, Proc. International Manufacturing Engineering Conference, (Ed: I.D. Marinescu), August 1996, pp. 98-101.
- Wang, L., K. Saito and I.S. Jawahir, “An Analytical Solution and Infrared Experimental Verification for Temperature Distributions within Curled Chips in Orthogonal Machining”, 2nd S.M. Wu Symposium on Manufacturing Sciences, Shanghai, China, June 1996.
- Wang, L., K. Saito and I.S. Jawahir, “Temperature Distributions within a Curled Chip and Cutting Tool in Orthogonal Machining”, Proc. 4th Asian Symposium on Visualization, Beijing, China, May 1996, pp. 465-470.
- Ghosh, R., M. Lin, I.S. Jawahir, R.P. Khetan and P. Bandyopadhyay, " Chip Breakability Assessment Using a Chip-groove Classification System in Finish Turning", Proc. ASME Int. Mech. Eng. Congress, MED-Vol. 2-1, San Francisco, November 1995, pp. 679-702.
- Um, Jae-Yong, L.C. Chow and I.S. Jawahir, "An Experimental Investigation of the Application of the Spray Cooling Method in Stainless Steel Machining Proc. ASME Int. Mech. Eng. Congress, MED-Vol. 2-1, San Francisco, November 1995, pp. 165-178.
- Da, Z.J., J.P. Sadler, X.D. Fang and I.S. Jawahir, "Optimum Machining Performance in Finish Turning with Complex Grooved Tools", Proc. ASME Int. Mech. Eng. Congress, MED-Vol. 2-1, San Francisco, November 1995, pp. 703-714.
- Fei, J. and I.S. Jawahir, "A New Approach for Chip-form Characterization in Metal Machining", Proc. NAMRC, 1994, pp. 11-17.
- Ghosh, R., X.D. Fang and I.S. Jawahir, "Estimation of Chip Side-flow in Machining with Complex Grooved Tools Using a Force Ratio Method", In: The Physics of Machining Processes II, D.A. Stephenson and R. Stevenson (Eds.), TMS/ASME Publications, 1994, pp. 233-255.
- Ganapathy, B. and I.S. Jawahir, "A Force Model for Chip Breaking in Orthogonal Machining", Proc. ASME Conference (WAM-94), New Orleans, LA, PED - Vol. 64, Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 1993, pp. 461-474.
- Fei, J. and I.S. Jawahir, "A Fuzzy Classification System for Chip Breakability Assessments in Machining", Proc. 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. Fuzzy Systems, San Francisco, CA, March 1993, pp. 1275-1280.
- Fei, J. and I.S. Jawahir, "A Fuzzy Knowledge-based System for Predicting Surface Roughness in Finish Turning", Proc. IEEE Int. FUZZ-IEEE Conf., San Diego, CA, March 1992, pp. 899-906.
- Fei, J., X.D. Fang and I.S. Jawahir, "Towards a Fuzzy Set-based Optimization of Finish Turning Operations", Proc. Int. Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Intelligent Controls, Louisville, KY, March 1992, pp. 28-36.
- Fang, X.D. and I.S. Jawahir, "On Predicting Chip Breakability in Machining of Steels with Carbide Tool Inserts Having Complex Chip Groove Geometries", Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Computer-Aided Production Engineering (Editors: V.C. Venkatesh and J.A. McGeough), Cookeville, TN, August 1991, pp. 37-47.
- Jawahir, I.S. and X.D. Fang, "Some Guidelines on the Use of a Predictive Expert System for Chip Control in Automated Process Planning", Proc. 5th Int. Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Vol. 1, Wollongong, Australia, July 1990, pp. 288-292.
- Kosasih, P.B., I.S. Jawahir and W.J. Plumbridge, "On Machinability Assessments in Turning Operations with Coated and Uncoated Carbide Tool Inserts Having Controlled Chip Groove Geometry", Proc. 5th Int. Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Vol. 1, Wollongong, Australia, July 1990, pp. 143-148.
- Islam, M.N., I.S. Jawahir and I.J. Kirby, "A CMM-based Geometric Accuracy Study of CNC Drilling Operations", Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Manufacturing Engineering, Vol. 2, Wollongong, Australia, July 1990, pp. 378-384.
- Jawahir, I.S., N. Uddin and C.K. Jun, "Development of Finish Turning Inserts: Present Trends and Future Prospects", In: Surface Engineering, S.A. Meguid (Ed.), Elsevier Publishers, 1990, pp. 678-687.
- Fang, X.D. and I.S. Jawahir, "An Expert System Based on Fuzzy Mathematical Model for Chip Breakability Assessments in Automated Machining", Proc. 2nd Int. ASME Conf., (MI'90), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, March 1990, Vol. IV, pp. 31-37.
- Jawahir, I.S. and X.D. Fang, "A Knowledge-based Approach for Improved Performance with Grooved Chip Breakers in Metal Machining", Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Advances in Manufacturing Technology, Singapore, August 1989, pp. 130-144.
- Jawahir, I.S. and P.L.B. Oxley, "Efficient Chip Breaking at Reduced Power Consumption - An Experimental Analysis", Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Manufacturing Engineering, Brisbane, Australia, May 1988, pp. 97-102.
- Jawahir, I.S. and P.L.B. Oxley, "New Developments in Chip Control Research: Moving Towards Chip Breakability Predictions for Unmanned Manufacture", Proc. 1st ASME Int. Conf., (MI'88), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, April 1988, Vol. 1, pp. 311-320.
- Jawahir, I.S., "Technology Transfer for Manufacturing in Developing Countries: Some Aspects", Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Manufacturing Engineering (ICME-86), Newcastle, Australia, August 1986. (Proc. Supplement)
- Jawahir, I.S. and W.C.K. Wong, "An Integrated Approach to Teaching of Manufacturing Engineering in Less-Developed Countries", Proc. Reg. Conf. on the Role of Engineering Education in Industrial Development, Tokyo, Japan, September 1985, pp. 159-165.
- Jawahir, I.S. and W.C.K. Wong, "Transfer of Advanced Manufacturing Technology into Developing Countries: Problems and Prospects for Accelerated Development", (Keynote Paper), Proc. Int. Conf. on Advances in Manufacturing (AIM-84), Singapore, October 1984, IFS Publishers, pp. 1-10.
- Jawahir, I.S., "The Manufacturing Scene in PNG", 2nd Int. Conf. on Manufacturing Engineering, Singapore, June 1983.
A total of 61 keynote papers delivered at international conferences and over 150 invited presentations in 35 countries:
- Invited Panel Moderator/Leader, (Panel Topic: Safety, Health & Sustainability in Manufacturing and Metal Fabrication), Air Liquide Industry Panel, Advanced Fabrication Center, Air Liquide, Newark, DE, November 28, 2018.
- Plenary Keynote Speaker, (Presentation Title: Engineered Surface Integrity Induced by Sustainable Machining for Improved Product/Process Performance), 8th International Conference on High Speed Machining (HSM 2018), Guangzhou, China, November 22-24, 2018.
- Plenary Keynote Speaker, (Presentation Title: Predictive Models for Process-induced Surface Integrity to Achieve Desirable Functional Performance in Manufactured Components), 4th CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity (CSI 2018), Tianjin, China, July 11-13, 2018.
- Invited Panel Member, (Presentation Title: Emerging Trends in Sustainable Manufacturing: New Opportunities for Economic Growth), State of Manufacturing Conference, Lexington, KY, May 8-9, 2018.
- Plenary Keynote Speaker (Presentation Title: Recent Advances in Sustainable Machining: Progress Towards Achieving Engineered Surface Integrity for Improved Product/Process Performance), International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT 2017), Chennai, India, December 11-14, 2017.
- Plenary Keynote Speaker (Paper Title: Sustainable Living Factories for Next Generation Manufacturing), 15th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM), Haifa, Israel, September 25-27, 2017 (Jointly presented with Prof. Y. Koren).
- Plenary Keynote Speaker (Paper Title: Innovation and Value Creation through Metrics-based Evaluation of Sustainable Manufacturing at Product, Process and System Levels), 4th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (SDM-2017), Bologna, Italy, April 26-28, 2017.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Correlation of Surface Integrity with Processing Parameters and Advanced Interface Cooling/Lubrication in Burnishing of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy), 17th International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT 2016), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 8-11, 2016.
- Keynote Speaker, (Presentation Title: Predictive Models and Optimization Techniques for Sustainable Machining), 7th International Symposium on Machining (UTIS 2016). Istanbul, Turkey, November 3-5, 2016.
- Plenary Keynote Paper, (Paper Title: Strategies for Value Creation through Sustainable Manufacturing), 14th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM), Stellenbosch, South Africa, October 3-5, 2016 (Delivered by Prof. F. Badurdeen).
- Keynote Speaker, (Presentation Title: Cryogenic Manufacturing Processes), 66th CIRP General Assembly, Guimares, Portugal, August 22-27, 2016.
- Keynote Speaker, (Presentation Title: Manufacturing Innovation at Product, Process and System Levels for Sustainable Value Creation with Closed-loop Material Flow), Int. Symp. on Green Manufacturing & Applications (ISGMA 2016), June 21-25, 2016, Bali, Indonesia.
- Invited Plenary Panel Member, Opening Plenary Session, 3rd CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity, Charlotte, NC, USA, June 8-10, 2016.
- Keynote Speaker, (Presentation Title: Cryogenic Machining of Biomaterials for Improved Functional Performance, Life and Sustainability in Biomedical Implants), 7th CIRP Conference on High Performance Cutting, Chemnitz, Germany, May 31 - June 2, 2016.
- Keynote Speaker, (Presentation Title: Sustainable Products from Sustainable Processes: An Outlook Towards Clean Factories of the Future), Horizon 2020 EU Project – FOCUS Consortium Workshop on Clean Factories, Brussels, Belgium, February 16, 2016.
- Invited Plenary Panel Member, (Presentation Title: Implementing Sustainable Manufacturing: Recent Progress, Challenges and Opportunities), Opening Plenary Session, Workshop on Sustainable Manufacturing, US Department of Energy, Portland, OR, January 6-7, 2016.
- Plenary Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Cryogenic Processing of Materials: Engineered Surfaces for Enhanced Product Quality and Performance), 4th Int. Conf. on Advanced Manufacturing Technology (ICAMT 2015), Johor Bahru, Malaysia, Sept. 19-22, 2015.
- Plenary Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Technological Elements of Circular Economy and the Principles of 6R-Based Closed-loop Material Flow in Sustainable Manufacturing), 13th Global Conf. on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM), Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam, September 16-18, 2015.
- Invited Distinguished Research Scholar, under the sponsorship of TUBITAK Research Foundation of Turkey, May 16 – 30, 2015.
Four research seminars were presented (Two at universities and two in industries):- Engineered Surfaces and Improved Surface Integrity in Cryogenic Processing of Aerospace Materials (Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey, May 18, 2015)
- Cryogenic Processing of Materials: Improved Surface Integrity from Engineered Surfaces for Enhanced Product Quality and Performance (Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey, May 20, 2015)
- Cryogenic Processing of Aerospace Materials: Engineered Surfaces and Improved Surface Integrity (GE R & D Center, Istanbul, Turkey, May 21, 2015)
- Improved Surface Integrity through Engineered Surfaces from Cryogenic Processing of Aerospace Materials (Kale Aviation, Istanbul, Turkey, May 23, 2015)
- Distinguished Visiting Research Professor/Fellow, under the sponsorship of Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE), United Kingdom, Two visits to United Kingdom: February 7 – 17, 2015 and March 14 – 24, 2015.
Seven research seminars were presented (Four at universities and three in R & D Centers):- Sustainable Machining: Recent Trends and Challenges for Predictive Performance Modeling (University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK, February 10, 2015)
- Cryogenically–assisted Processing of Advanced Materials: Recent Findings and New Challenges (Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Research Center, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK, February 11, 2015)
- Cryogenically–assisted Processing of Materials: Opportunities and New Challenges for Industry Applications (Manufacturing Technology Center (MTC), Coventry, UK, March 17, 2015)
- Cryogenic Processing of Materials: Surface Integrity and Engineered Surfaces (University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, March 18, 2015)
- Cryogenic Machining of Difficult-to-Cut Materials: Recent Findings and Potential for Industry Applications (Yamazaki - Mazak Corporation, Worcester, UK, March 19, 2015)
- Sustainable Machining: Predictive Performance Modeling and Optimization for Improved Product/Process Performance Challenges (Advanced Manufacturing Research Center (AMRC), University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, March 20, 2015)
- Engineered Surfaces and Improved Surface Integrity in Cryogenic Processing of Materials (Rolls-Royce, Aerospace Company, Darby, UK, March 23, 2015)
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Sustainable Machining: Developing Predictive Models and Optimization Techniques for Improved Product/Process Performance), 17th Int. Conf. on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Dubai, UAE, Nov. 17-20, 2014.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Novel Processing Methods and Predictive Models for Enhanced Product Performance, Life and Sustainability at Component Level), 3rd International Conference on Through-life Engineering Service (TES), Cranfield, United Kingdom, November 4-5, 2014.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Global Sustainable Manufacturing: U.S. Perspective), 12th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM), Johor Bahru, Malaysia, September 22-25, 2014.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: State-of-the-Art Research in Sustainable Cryogenic Machining for Automotive Applications), International Workshop on Cryogenic Machining, Scania, Södertälje, Sweden, 2014.
- Invited Plenary Speaker, (Paper Title: Metrics-based Evaluation of Sustainable Manufacturing Processes), 3rd Int. Chemnitz Manufacturing Colloquim (ICMC 2014), Chemnitz, Germany, April 8-9, 2014.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Innovative Products, Processes and Systems for Next Generation Manufacturing: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Manufacturing), 4th Int. Conference on Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (ICME 2013), Bangi-Putrajaya, Malaysia, December 16-18, 2013.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Innovation in Sustainable Manufacturing Education), 11th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM), Berlin, Germany, September 23-25, 2013.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Manufacturing Innovation through Predictive Performance of Machining Operations), 14th CIRP Conference on Modeling of Machining Operations, Torino, Italy, June 13-15, 2013.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Sustainable Products from Sustainable Processes: Product and Process Innovation for Next Generation of Re-engineered Manufacturing), 20th CIRP Conference of Life Cycle Engineering, Singapore, April 17-19, 2013.
- Invited Panel Member and Panel Moderator, (Presentation Title: Product and Process Innovation for Sustainable Manufacturing), Annual Policy Conference, National Council for Advanced Manufacturing (NACFAM) Washington, DC, April 9-10, 2013.
- Invited Panel Member, (Presentation Title: Sustainable Manufacturing for Accelerated Economic Growth), Defense Manufacturing Conference (DMC 2012), Orlando, FL, November 26-30, 2012.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Total Life-cycle Based Product Sustainability Improvement: End-of-life Strategy Analysis for Metallic Automotive Components), 10th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM), Istanbul, Turkey, October 29-November 2, 2012.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Cryogenic Processing of Materials for Improved Product Performance and Sustainability: Experimental and Analytical Studies), 15th International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT 2012), Wollongong, Australia, September 2012.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Sustainable Cryogenic Processing of Biomedical Alloys for Improved Product Performance and Sustainability: Principles and Practices), 10th Asia-Pacific Conf. on Materials Processing, Jinan, Shandong, China, June 2012.
- Invited Plenary Panel Member, Opening Plenary Session, 1st CIRP Conference on Surface Integrity, Bremen, Germany, January 30 – February 1, 2012.
- Invited Panel Member, (Presentation Title: Sustainable Manufacturing for Accelerated Economic Growth), 2011 Global Forum of Sri Lankan Scientists, Colombo, Sri Lanka, December 12-14, 2011.
- Plenary Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Sustainable Products from Sustainable Manufacturing), 2011 ASME-IMECE (International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition), Denver, CO, USA, November 11-17, 2011.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Technological Challenges for Product and Process Innovation in Sustainable Manufacturing), 9th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM), St. Petersburg, Russia, September 28-30, 2011.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Principles and Practices of Sustainable Manufacturing: A 6R Perspective with Total Life-cycle Approach), 2011 Competitive Sustainable Manufacturing Forum (CSM), Tampere, Finland, September 23-25, 2011.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Surface Integrity in Material Removal Processes: Recent Advances), 61st CIRP General Assembly, Budapest, Hungary, August 21-27, 2011.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Sustainable Manufacturing Processes for Producing Biomedical Implants for Enhanced Product Performance and Life), 2nd UMIES (United Kingdom – Malaysia – Ireland) Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 12-14, 2011.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Implementing Sustainable Manufacturing for Innovation at Product, Process and System Levels), IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM), Tampere, Finland, May 25-27, 2011.
- Invited Speaker, (Paper Title: Sustainable Manufacturing: The Major Driving Force for Next Generation Products and Processes), 2011 ASM Symposium on Sustainability of Materials, GE Global Research Center, Niskayuna, NY, USA, May 18-19, 2011.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Towards Predictive Modeling of Sustainable Machining), 13th CIRP Conf. on Modeling of Machining Operations, Sintra, Portugal, May 11-13, 2011.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Product and Process Innovation for Sustainable Manufacturing), 8th Global Conf. on Sustainable Manufacturing, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Nov. 2010.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Technological Challenges for Sustainable Machining: Developing Predictive Models and Optimization Techniques for Dry, Near-dry (MQL) and Cryogenic Machining Operations), Int. Conf. on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies (AMPT 2010), Paris, France, October 2010.
- Invited Speaker, (Paper Title: Sustainable Manufacturing: The Driving Force for Innovative Products, Processes and Systems for Next Generation Manufacturing), National Conference of State Legislators, Louisville, KY, July 2010.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Developing Next Generation Products and Processes using Innovative Sustainable Manufacturing Principles), 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection, Bari, Italy, June 29 – July 2, 2010.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Towards Innovative Sustainable Machining Processes for Improved Product Performance and Engineered Surface Integrity), 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Materials Processing, Sydney, Australia, June 2010.
- Invited Speaker, (Paper Title: Metrics Development for Sustainable Manufacturing), NIST Workshop on Sustainable Manufacturing, National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD, USA, March 10, 2010.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Towards Developing Metrics for Sustainable Manufacturing), 7th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, India, December 2009.
- Invited Plenary Speaker, (Paper Title: Theoretical and Applied Machining Practices: Algorithms, Interpretation and Methodologies for Sustainable Machining), ASME-IMECE International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Orlando, FL, USA, Nov. 2009.
- Invited Speaker, (Paper Title: A Systems Approach for Developing Sustainable Products from Sustainable Manufacturing), Indo-US Workshop on Designing Sustainable Products, Services and Manufacturing Systems, Bangalore, India, Aug. 2009.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: New Challenges for Sustainable Manufacturing: Modeling Issues at the Product, Process and System Levels), 42nd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, Grenoble, France, June 2009.
- Invited Speaker, (Paper Title: Sustainable Manufacturing: New Challenges for Predictive Modeling and Optimization of Dry, Near-dry and Cryogenic Machining), 23rd All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conf., Chennai, India, Dec. 2008.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Beyond 3Rs: 6R Concepts for Next Generation Manufacturing – Recent Trends and Case Studies), Symposium on Sustainability and Product Development, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, USA, August 2008.
- Invited Speaker, (Presentation Title: Sustainable Machining Processes: Dry, Near-dry and Cryogenic Machining Applications), Italian Cutting Tool and Manufacturing Industrial Association, Milan, Italy, November 2007.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Sustainable Manufacturing Processes: New Challenges for Developing Predictive Models and Optimization Techniques), 1st International Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (SM1-2007), Montreal, Canada, October 2007.
- Invited Panel Member, 10th CIRP International Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations, Calabria, Italy, August 2007.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Total Life-cycle Considerations in Product Design for Sustainability: A Framework for Comprehensive Evaluation), 10th Int. Conf. on Trends in the Development of Machinery and Technology, Barcelona, Spain, September 2006.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Sustainable Machining: Challenges in Developing Predictive Models for Dry, Near-Dry and Cryogenic Machining), International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Technology (ICoMaST), Melaka, Malaysia, August 2006.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Recent Advances in Plasticity Applications in Metal Machining: Slip-line Models for Machining), Int. Conf. on Advances in Materials Processing Technologies (AMPT), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 30 – Aug. 3, 2006.
- Invited Panel Member, Int. Conf. on Manufacturing Engineering Education and 3rd SME Int. Conf. on Manufacturing Engineering Education, Cal Poly State Univ. at San Luis Obispo, CA, USA, June 2005.
- Invited Panel Member, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology (ICAMT 2004), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2004.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: New Challenges in Developing Science-based Sustainability Principles for Next Generation Product Design and Manufacture), 8th Int. Conf. on Trends in the Development of Machinery and Technology (TMT2004), Neum, Bosnia-Herzegovina, September 2004.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Development of Hybrid Predictive Models and Optimization Techniques for Machining Operations), 3rd International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology (ICAMT 2004), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2004.
- Invited Panel Member, 7th CIRP International Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations, ENSAM, Cluny, France, May 2004.
- Invited Panel Member, 2001 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress (IMECE 2001) Symposium on “Fundamental Issues in Machining”, New York, USA, Nov. 2001.
- Invited Speaker and Panel Member, 4th CIRP International Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations, University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands, Aug. 2001.
- Invited Speaker and Panel Member, 3rd CIRP International Workshop on Modeling of Machining Operations, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, August 2000.
- Invited Panel Member, 9th International Manufacturing Conference in China (IMCC 2000), Hong Kong, August 2000.
- Invited Panel Member, (Presentation Title: Modeling and Simulation of Machining) ASME Int. Mechanical Engineering Congress, Nashville, TN, USA, Nov. 1999.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Present Situation and Future Trends in Modeling of Machining Operations), 48th CIRP General Assembly, Athens, Greece, August 1998.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Rule-Based Algorithms in CAPP Systems for Machining), 1st CIRP International seminar on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (ICME – 98), Capri, Italy, July 1998.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Towards Predictive Modeling and Optimization of Machining Operations), ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress (IMECE 1997), Dallas, TX, USA, November 1997.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Development of an Intelligent System for Predicting Chip Breaking in Machining for Computer-Aided Process Planning Systems), International CAD/CAM Seminar, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia, July 1997.
- Invited Speaker, (Paper Title: An Intelligent Technique for Predicting Chip Breakability in Turning Operations), Australasia-Pacific Forum on Intelligent Processing and Manufacturing of Materials (IPMM’97), Gold Coast, Australia, July 1997.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Recent Developments in Chip Control Research and Applications), (Co-authored with C.A. van Luttervelt), 43rd General Assembly in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, August 1993.
- Invited Speaker, (Paper Title: An Integrated Approach to Teaching of Manufacturing Engineering in Less Developed Countries), Regional Conference on the Role of Engineering Education in Industrial Development, Association of Engineering Education in South East Asia (AEESEA) and UNESCO, Tokyo, Japan, September 1985.
- Keynote Speaker, (Paper Title: Transfer of Advanced Manufacturing Technology into Developing Countries: Problems and Prospects for Accelerated Development), First International Conf. on Advances in Manufacturing (AIM – 84), Singapore, October 1984.
- Jawahir, I.S., R. Ghosh and M. Lin, "A New Predictive System for Chip Breakability Assessment in Finish Turning", U.S. Patent No. 5,941,143, August 24, 1999.
- Sadler, J.P., I.S. Jawahir and Z.J. Da, “Optimization of Machining with Progressively Worn Cutting Tools”, U.S. Patent No. 5,903,474, May 11, 1999.
- Sadler, J.P., I.S. Jawahir and Z.J. Da, “Method of Predicting Optimum Machining Conditions”, U.S. Patent No 5,801,963, September 1, 1998.
- Jawahir, I.S., X.D. Fang, P.X. Li and R. Ghosh, "Method of Assessing Tool-life in Grooved Tools", U.S. Patent No: 5,689,062, November 18, 1997.