The undergraduate PEIK certificate is built on a series of foundational courses supplemented by a broad array of more advanced elective courses related to power and energy. These advanced courses cover both conventional and emerging areas, including smart grid systems, distributed generation, system protection, energy storage, solar power systems, biofuels, and others.
For admission to the Power and Energy Undergraduate Certificate Program.
GPA must be 2.5 or higher
Applicant must have completed at least 24 credits to apply
Application form to be completed by APPLICANT.

(course numbers below are subject to change)
EGR240 “Global Energy Issues”: This sophomore level course helps students critically examine issues associated with environmental, political, and societal aspects of energy. Open to both engineers and to non-engineers, this course satisfies a “UK Core” requirement
One of the Institute’s core fundamentals courses, EGR 540 (Electric Power Economics and Public Policy), EGR542 (Electric Power Generation Technologies), or EGR 546 (Electric Power System Fundamentals). This course satifies the “Engineering/Science Elective” within UK’s engineering undergraduate curricula.
Three electives from a list of power and energy related courses. These electives may fit within the student’s curriculum as a combination of electives within their major, or as additional “Engineering/Science” or “Supportive” electives within their curriculum.
The Undergraduate Certificate program coincide with the requirements for a BS in Biosystems, Electrical, Chemical, Computer, Manufacturing, Materials, Mechanical, or Mining Engineering by fitting PEIK courses into the elective requirements of the various majors, taking advantage of the fact that each major already has elective courses within their existing curriculum relevant to power and energy.
The structure of the Certificate program will allow certification through electives requirements, with few, often no additional courses beyond those required for the degree. For example, in electrical engineering, there already exists a curriculum track in electric power that includes many power-related courses available to undergraduates. Such courses also already exist in other departments, including courses in power generation, air pollution control, biofuels, building energy modeling, and energy modeling for manufacturing
To apply or for more information about the Power and Energy Institute, contact:
Dr. Joe Sottile, 234A Mining and Minerals Resources Bldg, (859) 257-4616