Despite the cancellation of the annual UK College of Engineering Awards Banquet sponsored by Tau Beta Pi, each department and Tau Beta Pi have named awardees.
The grant will go toward research aimed at better understanding and minimizing the negative health and environmental impacts of chlorinated organic compounds found at Superfund sites.
His project will develop and deliver a bicyclist and pedestrian facility design course considering bicycling in Greece
Mariantonieta Gutierrez Soto specializes in smart structures—buildings that can adapt to changes in the environment.
Inductees have shown an extraordinary commitment to academic excellence, athletic participation, personal development, career preparation and serving as a role model.
The awards come from the Office of the Vice President for Research and the UK Center for Appalachian Research in Environmental Sciences.
Being elected a Fellow is a prestigious recognition of an individual’s contribution to ACI and the concrete industry. Less than five percent of ACI members earn this recognition.
Jeffrey (BSCE 2003) and Kevin Graham were following in their father's footsteps pursuing a career in the military.
Hemp, which is biodegradable and has a small carbon footprint, offers many advantages.
The UK chapter received third place in the competition. The students designed and constructed a playhouse, which they donated to a local children’s academy.