The Science & Engineering Library supports the learning, teaching, and research needs of UK students, faculty, staff, and the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Our library team offers research support and information literacy instruction together with a full suite of other library services. We assist students with finding articles and other information to complete their assignments as well as supporting researchers from grant proposal to publishing results.
The library is located on the 3rd and 4th floors of the Margaret I. King Building between the Chemistry-Physics Building and Pence Hall. Study spaces and collections are located on both floors. The 3rd floor also contains the information desk, several study rooms, an open computer lab and a printer.
The collections housed in the library include: most engineering disciplines, astronomy, chemistry, earth & environmental science, mathematics, physics, and statistics. It is also home to the Gwen Curtis Map Collection and the GIS Lab.
Contact us or visit
Phone: (859) 257-0121
E-Mail: stemlib@l.uky.edu
Website: libraries.uky.edu/sel
Address: 211 King Building
179 Funkhouser Drive
Lexington 40506-0039