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Course Descriptions

This course emphasizes mechanical design techniques based on the finite element method, using machine design background as the starting point. Techniques for modeling machine elements or components will be shown in relation to the basic FEM theory. Emphasis will be on quantifying loads and boundary conditions, the resulting stresses and deflections, and relating them to the design allowables, leading to an acceptable design solution. Prerequisite or concurrent: Engineering Standing, ME 344 and ME 205; or Graduate Standing or consent of instructor. (Same as ME 501)

This course will introduce students to the fundamental concepts of production improvement utilizing lean manufacturing principles and practices. In addition to the lectures, web-based simulations/experiments/games will be used to help learn the application of the tools supported by industry case studies. A Capstone Simulation will be used to demonstrate the collective application of all the tools and techniques (details included below). An application project is also included where students will work in teams to study a real-life manufacturing or service environment to assess the current state, identify improvement opportunities and develop countermeasures for implementation. Prereq: Engineering standing or with instructor permission. (Same as ME 503.)

This course is aimed at providing the undergraduate and graduate students in mechanical and manufacturing engineering basic knowledge and understanding of the major manufacturing processes for modeling, monitoring and control of these processes through a series of analytical and experimental techniques and tools, including group work for assignments and experiments. Prereq: EM 302, EM 313, and engineering standing; or graduate standing with instructor consent. (Same as ME 505.)

This course will provide a strong foundation in the concepts, theories and applications of design engineering methodologies for effective manufacture of high quality products at low costs and high productivity. In addition to the lectures, the assembly and design analysis of “product based assembly kits” will be used to apply and help learn the tools presented in class. The final project includes the application of these tools to re-design a given product from a manufacturing and assembly perspective. Prereq: ME 344 or instructor permission. (Same as ME 507.)

This is an on-campus and/or distance learning course designed to provide an introduction to important leadership thinking and activities required to create and sustain a lean culture within an organization as practiced by Toyota.  The primary content for this course comes from two books entitled The Toyota Way to Lean Leadership and Seeds of Collaboration: Seeking the Essence of the Toyota Production System as well as the internationally recognized University of Kentucky Lean System Program’s public Lean Executive Leadership Institute and Lean Certification courses.  In addition to reviewing written material and video presentations by experienced Toyota executives and others, there will be weekly written assignments and activities/discussions designed to explore each topic in more depth.  Topics will include; Toyota’s response to adversity, the thinking behind the TPS, understanding the True Lean destination and core thinking, management led problem solving and Toyota leadership competencies and business practice.  Other important topics discussed include the pillars of a lean business philosophy, the people side of lean, lean system operations, management structure and measurement systems that support and sustain an ongoing lean transformation. 

This course introduces students to fundamentals of design, planning and control of manufacturing systems aided by computers. Concepts of control hardware, NC programming languages, software aspects related to NC manufacturing, programmable controllers, performance modeling of automated manufacturing systems, group technology and flexible manufacturing systems, etc. will be addressed. Prereq: Engineering standing. (Same as ME 512.)

The analysis of vibrational motion of structural and mechanical systems. Single-degree-of-freedom systems; free vibrations; non periodic excitation; harmonic excitation. Modal analysis of multiple-degree-of-freedom systems. Vibration of continuous bodies, including strings and bars (axial, torsional and flexural modes). Energy methods. Prereq: EM 313 and EM 302, engineering standing or consent of instructor. (Same as EM 513, ME 513.)

Automation techniques for controlling equipment and processes, including applications of sensors, transducers, motor starters, variable-frequency motor drives, linear actuators, and proportional hydraulic valves. Ladder logic programming of programmable automation controllers (PACs) and programming human-machine interface (HMI) touch-screen panels. Prereq: Engineering standing or permission of the instructor. (Same as MNG 520.)

Offered Fall Semester

This course will cover topics in basic lean system operations as well as the management system to support the attainment of highest customer satisfaction with respect to Safety, Quality, Cost, Productivity, Delivery and Human Resource Development. Working in teams, students apply fundamental lean tools and concepts to develop a lean operations environment capable of driving continuous improvement in a simulated factory. As the operational environment evolves, key management principles and tools are explored using the teachings of Taiichi Ohno and others considered to be the pillars of the Toyota Production System. All students must have a webcam and microphone or headset to participate in on-line team and class meetings.

Offered Spring Semester

This course will revolve around the development of a Multi-Product (also called Multi-Purpose) production system. It covers advanced operations & management practices applied to multi-purpose production systems based on Toyota’s current True Lean/TPS thinking to support the attainment of highest customer satisfaction by focusing on Safety, Quality, Cost, Productivity, Delivery and Human Resource Development. Working in teams, students will create multi-purpose production lines & explore a variety of changeover strategies while developing a management system to and drive continuous improvement in a simulated factory. As the operational environment evolves, key management principles based on teachings of Taiichi Ohno and others considered to be the pillars of the Toyota Production System are applied along with current multi-purpose production practices used by Toyota.

Theory and practice as related to the chemical and physical processing of polymer systems. Polymer rheology, heat transfer in polymer flows, polymer engineering properties. Polymer processing operations and materials selection; flow instabilities. Prereq: CME 330, CME425 or ME 325; or consent of instructor. This course is open only to graduate students or undergraduates with engineering standing. (Same as CME/ME/MSE 554.)

Modern composite materials and their applications. Basic concepts and definitions. Fundamental properties of fibers and polymer resins. Manufacturing methods. Analysis and design of laminated and chopped fiber reinforced composites. Micro- and macro-mechanical analysis of elastic constants. Failure theory of composite materials. Computational design of composites. Prereq: Engineering Standing, and EM 302 or with instructor permission. (Same as CME/ME/MSE 556.)

Discrete event simulation and its application to performance analysis of industrial production systems. Topics include concepts for characterizing production systems, approaches to structuring simulation models, instruction in a simulation language, and techniques for comparing alternative systems designs and control strategies. Applications to manufacturing, commercial and mining production systems are considered.
Prereq: CS 221 or 270, STA 281 or 381. (Same as MNG 563).

This course is designed to provide students with an overview of Toyota's Quality Assurance program and teach fundamental quality tools. This skill-set is critical to help achieve operational excellence through effective systematic problem-solving. This course follows Kaoru Ishikawa's Guide to Quality Control to teach the basic quality tools including histograms, graphs, check sheets, Pareto graphs, scatter diagrams, cause and effect, frequency diagrams, and control charts. Students will develop a basic understanding and competency by manually applying each tool multiple times.

A detailed investigation of a topic of current significance in manufacturing systems engineering such as: computer-aided manufacturing, special topics in robotics, and lean/agile manufacturing. May be repeated under different subtitles to a maximum of six credits. A particular topic may be offered at most twice under the MFS 599 number.
Prereq: Variable; given when topic is identified.

  • Product Life Cycle Assessment (Online course)
  • Surface Engineering and Finishing Processes
  • Process Monitoring and Machine Learning

The purpose of this course is to examine methods and systems from the perspectives of modeling, simulation, and control of manufacturing facilities. The emphasis will be primarily on techniques that can be used to model and evaluate performance of systems. Students are encouraged to think critically about available technologies, identify relative strengths and weaknesses, and analyze the technologies toward developing improved solutions to factory control and information management problems. Prereq: Graduate Standing. (Same as EE/ME605.)

The need to increase quality, productivity, efficiency and sustainability in manufacturing operations spanning the product, process and systems (manufacturing systems as well as supply chain) domains is essential for companies to be successful. The increased globalization of markets and manufacturing operations, declining natural resources and negative consequences of some manufacturing practices as well as increased legislation in many regions has led to many new challenges that companies must overcome to be successful in competitive markets. This seminar course will introduce students to a variety of global issues in manufacturing through presentations by leading national and international experts in these domains.  In addition, University of Kentucky faculty engaged in cutting-edge research in some of these areas will discuss innovative approaches that are being developed and applied to address those issues.

(Same as EE/ME 606)

Advanced study of metal cutting involving the mechanics of metal cutting including cutting forces, tool-wear/tool-life and temperature analysis, surface finish and integrity, chip control, machinability assessments and advances in cutting tool technology. Prereq: ME 505.(Same as ME/MSE 607)

This course introduces students to fundamentals of nontraditional manufacturing processes. Theory and implementation of the nontraditional manufacturing processes, such as laser cutting and welding, electro discharge machining, abrasive waterjet machining, rapid prototyping, etc., will be addressed.
Prereq: ME 505 or consent of instructor. (Same as ME 608).

A critical examination of behavior and performance within organizations and between organizations. Special attention is paid to the problem of performance at the individual, group, and formal organizational level. (Same as MGT 611.)

This course is intended to provide future manufacturing managers and leaders a basic understanding of important theories and practices necessary to successfully manage and lead teams to achieve manufacturing organizational objectives. The course is organized into several modules. The first module will focus on developing an understanding and capability to approach ethical and sustainability concerns confronted by manufacturing organizations.  This will include coverage of tools to help identify and address societal and environmental obligations of manufacturing organizations and issues confronting them that span multiple cultures and nations.  Because people are one of the most important resources in any organization, the second and third modules will address organizational behavior (OB) and individual effectiveness. OB theories and practices that can be used to increase the capability to observe, understand and manage people’s behavior will be covered.  The last module considers safety and ergonomics as they relate to manufacturing organizations.  Coverage will include tools and techniques that can be used to analyze the manufacturing workplaces and ensure its ergonomic design as well as an overview of the current state of occupational safety and health regulations.

A detailed investigation of a topic of current significance in manufacturing systems engineering such as: computer-aided manufacturing, special topics in robotics, and lean/agile manufacturing. May be repeated under different subtitles to a maximum of six credits. A particular topic may be offered at most twice under the MFS 699 number
Prereq: Variable; given when topic is identified.

  • Sustainable Products, Processes and Systems
  • Model Res Sustainable Engr (Online)

This course involves individual study related to a special research project supervised by the instructor. A full written report on the project is required.

May be repeated to a maximum of 12 hours

This course involves specialized individual work in manufacturing systems engineering. May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits.

Prereq: Approval of instructor.

This course involves individual study related to a special research project supervised by the instructor or student’s advisor. A final written report on the project is required. [ For Plan B students admitted in or before Spring 2016: MFS 784 is required to complete the degree requirements. The course cannot satisfy part of the required 30 hours of course work for those Plan B].

Prereq: Approval of instructor/student’s advisor.

Non-MFS Elective Considerations (with approval)

Introduction to methods of analyzing data from experiments and surveys; the role of statistics in research, statistical concepts and models; probability and distribution functions; estimation; hypothesis testing; regression and correlation; analysis of single and multiple classification models; analysis of categorical data.

Course begins with an applied regression module that emphasizes analysis and interpretation of real data, and statistical computing. Second part of course focuses on principles and implementation of experimental design for scientific research purposes. Standard designs presented along with the proper kinds of analysis for each. Continued emphasis on real data and statistical computing using R and/or SAS. (Pre-requisite: STA 570 or equivalent)

A multidisciplinary course presenting an overview of key topics in sustainability and environmental impact assessment for engineers. Topics will include assessment of current and future energy systems, renewable and conventional energy technologies, supply chain management, sustainability metrics, energy assessment tools, environmental impact assessment and life cycle assessment. Topics will be presented and their attributes described within a framework that aids in evaluation and analysis of energy technology systems and designs in the context of political, social, economic, and environmental goals.

Organizations are webs of interconnected formal (reporting lines, team memberships, workflows) and informal (friendship, help, conflict) relationships. The pattern, presence, or absence of these relationships can hinder or assist in the functioning of an organizational. This class is designed to teach an analytic approach to the measurement and interpretation of these patterns known as social network analysis. Topic covered in the class include: basic network concepts, network data structures, network data entry, individual, group, and organizational measures of networks, and network visualizations. The course is very hands-on with students leveraging network software (UCINET) in virtually every meeting. A student will benefit from this course by acquiring the ability to think about, collect, and measure social networks within an organization.

This course will introduce students to concepts, tools, and techniques necessary for planning and control of production and other operations of an organization. Organizational processes from sourcing and inventory management to production planning and scheduling as well as quality control will be covered. Students will learn how to model and analyze operations, and to evaluate impact of various strategies on the processes and on products/service quality, productivity, efficiency, and cost effectiveness, especially when there are uncertainties. Prereq: STA 381, MA 320 or similar (with instructor permission).