fbpx Minor in Biomedical Engineering | University of Kentucky College of Engineering

Minor in Biomedical Engineering


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This minor is intended for undergraduate engineering students seeking to supplement their education by applying skills learned in their respective disciplines to the field of biomedical engineering (BME).

The emphasis on upper level BME courses builds upon the foundation taught in core undergraduate engineering courses. Beyond the one required course, students pursuing this minor will choose at least five elective courses in consultation with a Biomedical Engineering faculty advisor. Students and their Biomedical Engineering faculty advisor may select courses providing concentration in a particular subfield, or they may select courses providing breadth across the field of biomedical engineering.

The minor in Biomedical Engineering requires: a) at least 18 credit hours of course work; b) a GPA of 2.5 or greater in these courses; and c) no grade lower than C in any BME course. At the discretion of the BME department chair (or designee), a limited number (maximum 6 credit hours) of equivalent course substitutions may be used. At least 12 credit hours must have the BME prefix.

Required Course

BME 301 Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering (3 credits)

Elective Courses

Select five from among the following:

  • BME 395 Independent Research in Biomedical Engineering (1 &emdash; 6)
  • BME 440 Introduction to Biomedical Signal Processing (3)
  • BME 455 Introduction to Biomedical Optical Spectroscopy (3)
  • BME 464 Nanobioengineering and Nanomedicine (3)
  • BME 465 Tissue Engineering (3)
  • BME 470 Biosolid Mechanics (3)
  • BME 472 Human Biomechanics (3)
  • BME 473 Fundamentals of Biofluid Mechanics (3)
  • BME 476 Introduction to Assistive Technology (3)
  • BME 477 Design and Development of Assistive Technology Devices (3)
  • BME 488 Introduction to Biomaterials (3)
  • BME 491 Topics in Biomedical Engineering (3)
  • BME 532 Modeling of Physiological Systems (3)
  • BME 540 Biomedical Instrumentation (3)
  • BME 550 Introduction to Biomedical Imaging (3)
  • BME 571 Mechanical Modeling of Human Motion (3)
  • BME 573 Cell Mechanics and Mechanobiology (3)
  • BME 579 Neural Engineering: Merging Engineering with Neuroscience (3)
  • BME 599 Topics in Biomedical Engineering (Subtitle required) (3)

Up to 6 credit hours of independent research (e.g., BME 395) or special topics courses (e.g., BME 481G or BME 599) may count as electives.