fbpx Earn the Graduate Certificate in Lean Systems | University of Kentucky College of Engineering

Earn the Graduate Certificate in Lean Systems


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  • Deprecated function: Creation of dynamic property MemCacheDrupal::$bin is deprecated in MemCacheDrupal->__construct() (line 30 of /mnt/www/html/ukyengineeringbzaacnspwk/docroot/sites/all/modules/memcache/memcache.inc).
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Enhance your degree

with lean skills and in depth knowledge highly sought after by employers. The certificate is

  • interdisciplinary: open to students from non-manufacturing and non-engineering disciplines such as business, health care, and more
  • four required courses, 12 credit hours is all it takes
  • based on the real thing: the Toyota Production System (TPS)
  • innovative teaching techniques including hands-on real-world experience for students
  • highly qualified instructors who have both academic and industrial experience

Why get this certificate?

Based on TPS, lean systems is a proven methodology and way of thinking for reducing waste, improving productivity, and increasing the bottom line while maintaining quality and customer satisfaction. It has been found to be effective across many industries, businesses, and organizations. Companies spend a lot of money educating their current employees and place a high premium on new graduates who have already acquired knowledge in the field.

Because this is an academic certification, it’s permanently attached to your transcript, enhancing your marketability for years to come.

Why UK?

The Lean Systems Program at the University of Kentucky began in 1994 when the College of Engineering formed a partnership with Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Kentucky, to teach and research lean systems. This partnership remains active today. As a result our course content is up to date and in line with Toyota, the originator and leading practitioner of Lean Systems. Innovative and engaging teaching techniques, including carefully designed hands-on lab work improve the learning process. In short: the Lean Systems Graduate Certificate provides our students with the best credentials available.

Who should enroll?

For academic students, some of the majors that will benefit include

  • engineering – all disciplines
  • business, management, economics, marketing, human resources
  • health care including nursing, pharmacy, physicians, lab techs
  • accounting, finance
  • sciences and more

Working professionals can also enroll and those that should consider it include:

  • business, management, marketing
  • CEOs, CFOs, executives
  • team leaders, line workers
  • faculty, researchers
  • health care professionals
  • human resources, accounting, and finance professionals
  • other career professionals

Important Links

To apply for a certificate

  1. Review the Lean Graduate Certificate Academic Pathway and current course descriptions.
  2. Read the UK Graduate School Admissions page and Application Process page. Then fill out the application form on the Graduate School Website. When doing so be sure to select Graduate Certificate in Lean Systems as the program you are applying for.
  3. Send a letter of intent plus three letters of recommendation to the Director of the Graduate Certificate, Dr. M. Abbot Maginnis

Certificate Application Deadlines

Fall July 15
Spring November 15
Summer April 1


For more information contact

Dr. M. Abbot Maginnis
Lean Systems Academic Program Coordinator
143 Gladstone
220 Robotics Bldg. (RMB)
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506
Phone: 859-257-4943
Mobile: 859-327-5367