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How We Help You

Toyota Experience Matters!

We want for you to be able to do it by yourself! Our approach is unique. We do not follow the traditional consulting model. Our desired eventual outcome is that you not need us once you achieve the development of your system.

We meet you where you are on your path, then we transfer our TPS and Toyota Way knowledge and experience to support you through:

  • Master plan development
  • Strategy development and deployment
  • Leadership and team member practices and behaviors
  • Ongoing needs-based coaching

for you to develop Your System to achieve sustainability.

We have transferred our TPS and Toyota Way knowledge and experience to:

Aerospace Automotive
Banking Construction
Financial services Food service
Healthcare Insurance
Manufacturing Not-for-profit
Railroad Technology


  • Although some organizations we support choose a la carte from the sessions we offer, other organizations commit to full support with their transition to True Lean™, using the full capacity and resources of our True Lean™ team.
  • All sessions and coaching are available at your location and virtually. The on-campus Certification includes our specially designed lab. The virtual Certification provides for participants to select an observation area in their own workplaces.